Chapter 5: Cool but not that Cool Kids

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It was a very tired morning... I barely slept last night because of him.

"WOAHHH!... dude what happened to you?" Xhinimee was so shocked at my look.

"The guy you recommended to me got stuck on my mind for the whole night... I barely slept last night!" I said while I'm trying to get some sleep.

"I know what's bothering you... love at first sight!... YIEEE!" Xhinimee shouted in joy.

I go outside to seek the fresh air even I'm still tired.

"Cliendra! aren't you going to join us for some handicrafts!" Odyssey pulled my hand to go to the work station near to the lake.

Since I have nothing to do... I decided to create some handicrafts...

"Cliendra? right!..." the cute guy from yesterday said.

"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday!..." I said while my face is blushing.

"It's okay... OH! I'm Techno." he introduced.

A flamed-colored hair girl show up before I had a chance to introduce myself and have a good time with him.

"Techno! c'mon we have a lot of things to do!" the girl said maybe she is her girlfriend.

"Sorry!...I have to go!... I'll hangout with you later, okay!" he said while leaving.

"Okay, bye!" I said but the girl is looking at me coldly.

"Dude you make the girl very J.E.A.L.O.U.S. !" Ice said.

"URGH... NO I DID NOT!" I said while I'm sweating too much.

"Don't worry maybe the boy explained to her." Rhixzyne said.

"Yeah you're right! it's going to be fine."

The next day...

As I walk inside the canteen, I saw Techno eating alone in the table at the corner, so I decided to accompany him...

"Sorry that I made your girlfriend jealous of me." I apologized to him.

"I don't have any girlfriend, that's our friend Zelestia." he explained.

"Okay but what do you mean our, do you have other friends in this camp... can we meet them!" I said exitedly.

"Oh yes!, I'll introduce you later and your friends after we eat." he said.

"So... from what school do you study?" we asked in the same time and we laughed.

"Can you keep a secret? I'm from Battle Academia!" I whispered to him.

"Wait really! I also study in there!" he said.

"What class is your room?" I asked him.

"Oh, I'm from Sorcery Class-B." Techo said while he is drinking some O.J.

"I'm from Class-A." I said to him.

After a good talk and breakfast with him, we have a promise that we will introduce our friends to each other.

"Hey guys! let me introduce you to Techno... "

"Your... friend, yeah right your friend!" Ice interrupt but he can't said the word he thinks because I got my eye on him.

"So this is Ice from disappointment,I mean Twilight Dimension, Rhixzyne from the Kingdom of Oceania,  Archemhia the next in line being the goddess of air, my twin sister Xhinimee and we're from the future and... Odyssey from the heavenly bodies." I introduced them.

"What are you thinking!, telling our identity to a stranger you just met!" Odyssey whispered madly.

"Don't worry he also studying at Battle Academia." I explained to him.

"Oh really? and what class is he?" he asked while looking at me very mad.

"Sorcery Class! type B!" I answered back.

"Okay that's fine for me, as long as we are going to be safe in this camp." he smiled at me.

After I introduced Techno to them we all have a very good time like we have some activities, eat some snacks and have a truth or dare game.

"So... do you any friends along with you?" Rhixzyne asked.

"Oh yeah!, forgot you to introduce you to them, you will like them!" Techno said.

As we head to their camp site, I saw a weird and quiet guy sitting next to Zelestia. 

"Guy, we have some new friends here!" Techno said to them but I can saw in Zelestia's face that she really doesn't care.

"Okay that's Ash he has the power of ice, now that's Vortex he can use portal like you Ice but he is an assassin..." Techno introduced them but then suddenly Zelestia walk towards to us...

"Oh hey, I'm Zelestia and I can ignite stuffs." she said coldly.

"Hey!" Archemhia also said very coldly.

Zelestia pulled Techno's hand and whispered some to him while each second she is looking at us in a bad way.

"So... what do you do for activities?" Odyssey asked.

"We could eat!" Vortex and Ice said in the same time "Jinx!".

"You owe me a soda!" Ice said

"No, you owe me a ice cream!" Vortex said.

I can tell that Vortex and Ice are very similar to each other that's why they're already having a good time. I saw Zelestia sitting on the corner doing some magics quietly.

"Hey, Zelestia why don't you hang out with us, you look very lonely, is anything bothering you?" I asked while sitting next to her.

"It's none of your business!" she walked away.

"Guys it is almost night time!" Xhinimee said.

"Why... don't... we... have a sleepover tonight!" Rhixzyne said.

"That would be a great idea!" Ash said.

"Perfect and now a sleepover, that's just great!" Zelestia said.

"C'mon it would be fun!" Techno tries to convince Zelestia.

"Okay fine!, there something happens wrong we will go!" Zelestia said to us.

"We promise!" we said.




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