Chapter 4: Camp Targon

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It was a exhausting trip before we arrived the we still need to set up our tents before the other guests take our spot.

"Is there any canteen here?" I asked them while setting our tent.

"Try checking the guide map?" Odyssey passed me the huge map of Camp Targon.

"Neat!... there's 3 canteen in this camp... and free breakfast, lunch and dinner!" I shouted in joy.

After we done setting up...

"Okay... so what now?" Archemhia asked while staring at us.

"Why don't we go the the lake... oh wait... to the pooool!" teased by Odyssey to Ice.

We run, run and run until who's the first who get to the slide... the water is so refreshing even I can see the happiest smile on Rhixzyne's face.

"Hey guys! wanna see the highest cannonball in the history!... wait I'll just get my gun on the tent." I said while running towards to my tent. loop

"She didn't really bring her gun did she?!" asked Rhixzyne to Archemhia.

I came back with my huge bag that has my gun to launch myself in to the pool.

"CANNONBALL!" a huge splash bothering the very calm lake but when I rise up on the water...

"What... just happened to you?" Ice asked while controlling himself not to laugh.

"What the heck are you laughing at?" I answered back.

"Why are you so red?, Oh wait you didn't do a cannonball... you did a belly splat HAHAHA!" Odyssey laugh so hard.

"That's why my face hurts, It's okay at least ot will fade away after a few minutes." I said while I'm drying myself.

"Hey guys! lunch time!." Xhinimee interupted.

After the rest of us dried up, we go to the canteen to eat lunch. The time we entered to the canteen it was slightly full but a long line awaits us in the canteen...

"Hey are those the kids who's in the bus earlier?" Xhinimee whispered to me.

"Yes why? Archemhia said don't mind them." I said to my sister.

"Look there's a cute guy in front of that girl!" Xhinimee said to me.

"Shut you're fucking mouth!" I cover her mouth.

She removed my hand...

"Ohhhhh! is he your crush?!" Xhinimee said while smiling like a weirdo.

"No!... okay yes... maybe... just a little!" I said because sometimes I'm a flirty woman.

"🎶 Cliendra and that guy sitting on the tree, F. U. C... 🎶" she sings then I cover her mouth again.

"Don't you dare say that word! you know there's so many people eating and you're gonna say that F word!" I said to her while I removed my hand from her mouth.

"Next!" the food server said.

"Can I have that tempura, 1 cup of rice and some Ice-cream." I said very kindly to the food server.

After I get my food, I looked for a available table where we can have our lunch. Suddenly when I looked at my back I... saw the cute guy Xhinimee's recommended to me. I tried to look some other available table but...

"Where are you going?" Ice asked.

"I'm going to find another table because it's incredibly hot in here." I said to him while I'm sweating to much.

"Looks fine to me!" Odyssey said.

"Oh...I know why!" Xhinimee said while pointing at the guy.

"That's why you're acting so weird." Archemhia said.

"Hey you! our friend want to talk to you!" I can't believe Ice called the guy and... and... and... he immediately come to me.

I can't speak, can't eat and clearly blushing like an apple.

"Hi! I'm..." he said.

"Sorry I have to use the restroom!" I didn't let him finish his statement before I leave.

I wait and wait and wait till they're done eating...

"What the F was that? Sis!, that is your chance to actually meet him and you just blew it away! " Xhinimee said.

I can't answer back because I'm still humiliated by that incident... every time I see him I run or hide because I'm still embarrassed...

Later that night I can't sleep... in every second I always think of him but I know that his not my type but still I have this weird feeling for him...


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