Chapter 063. Childhood

Start from the beginning


The rims of Snow's eyes went red, his voice was stuck in his throat, but he couldn't utter a single syllable.

The rims of Ling Feng's eyes were also a bit moist, but he could only feign indifference and turn and walk into the bathroom.

Surveillance cameras are everywhere in the hospital corridors and Ling Feng did not dare talk to Snow in the corridor.

The two entered the bathroom, one after the other, and it just so happened that there was no one inside. Snow locked the door and turned to look at the man in front of him.

The man quietly asked: "Are you...... Snow......"

Snow stiffly nodded his head.

  The man reached out and removed the layer of the special bio-adhesive mask from his face, revealing his originally refined and purely handsome appearance.

  Snow: "......"

No matter how he had longed to see him again for more than ten years in his dreams when this familiar face appeared once more in front of him, Snow was rigid and did not know how to react.

He is no longer that young child who likes to listen to stories in his Dad's arms, who considered his Dad to be his whole world, and who obeyed anything his Dad said.

After more than a decade of separation, it made him accept the fact that "Dad may have died."

   Now, with Ling Feng suddenly appearing in front of him, Snow's first thought was that he may be dreaming.

Ling Feng made a step forward and reached out wanting to touch his son's hair. Coming into contact with Snow's gaze, he stiffly let his hand fall back down.

Looking at the youth who was already the same height as himself, Ling Feng only feels like a knife is being twisted in his heart.

  He always remembered back then when he lived on Planet Oman. He looked at that child who was curled up in the cryostasis pod. He looked at the little five-year-old Snow's pale face his body all hooked up with various needles. His heart was pained...... He was almost going to fall apart.

However, his son is waiting for an organ transplant in the cryostasis pod. He can't take him away. He can only entrust his close friend Wald to continue the process of cultivating the organ, hoping that this child can survive.

When he hurriedly fled to the Isville Galaxy with his brother Ling Yu, Ling Feng had even thought in despair that this obedient and clever child might never see him again. If this process failed, he could not survive either.

He didn't expect that now, at this moment, that this youth named Snow stood in front of himself. He looks delicate and refined, his figure is slender and well-proportioned, he has a pair of clear blue eyes and a head full of soft platinum-blonde hair, all like his birth father Udir.

The father and the son look at each other silently face to face for a long time. Snow's soul finally came back to his body and he started to quietly speak: "......Da- ......Dad?"

Snow has not called out the word Dad for many years, saying them now is too strange because of that. His throat is incomparably dry, his voice is choking with emotions that even makes those simple two words seem unintelligible.

Ling Feng nevertheless heard it clearly right away and his back suddenly became stiff. He then he stretched out his arms and forcibly brought his son into his arms.

"Xiao Nuo......"

Unlike the soft child in memory, the youth who was in his arms was tall, supple, and strong, and he was even just as tall as himself.

ABO Cadets (c33+) (軍校生/在学生) by: 蝶之灵 (Chinese BL Translation)Where stories live. Discover now