The realization.

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Romans p.o.v.
It had been a few days and Virgil still hadn't came out of his room. Patton was obviously disappointed in me and tried his best to not let it overcome him. Logan on the other hand blew up on me and how this could have a huge affect on Virgil. I hadn't stopped thinking about the things I said. I didn't mean to snap on him... I truly hadn't. I was beginning to feel closer to Virgil and when they all ganged up on me it hurt worse when Virgil joined in. I lashed out and it wasn't his fault at all. But he paid the price for my stupidity.
Now here I was.
Outside his door.
Waiting and waiting for something, anything to happen.
As if I'd wake up and find this was all some terrible dream.
But it wasn't.
It was real.
And I was a real jerk.

I couldn't hear anything and I grew more and more worried, since you could always hear some sort of background noise in his room. I knocked on the door softly and held my ear to the door.

"Virgil, please open the door..."
I begged but still, no sound could be heard. I began to panic my imagination getting the better of me, my ideas stepping into my brothers side of the trait as well.
I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Virgil?!" I shouted but something was wrong. "Patton, Logan, Help me!" I screamed before they came running out into the room. "What's wrong" Logan asked. "Somethings wrong with Virgil!" "What?!" Patton screamed before pulling me and Logan aside quickly and ramming himself into the door. The hinges shook but didn't break. He back away and slammed even harder. This time the hinges were no match as they crashed and Patton ran into the room. "Kiddo?!" He yelled into the empty space. We searched the room and couldn't find him anywhere, "where could he be?" Patton clung onto Logan's chest holding Virgil's discarded hood and whimpered "where is he Lo?"
While Logan could only rub his side, Whispering gently and soothing the stinging sensation from the previous actions the body had been a part of.
I looked around at the scattered water bottles on the ground and noted the complete lack of food wrappers anywhere in the room. I looked on his bed. The pillows stained his eyeliner and eyeshadow with makeup wipes around the bed stand, along with a note? I stepped closer and picked it up.
'I'm not needed. I'm not wanted. At least not here. I'm going home. I'm going back to where I belong. Goodbye.

My heart broke even more when I finished reading. He went back....
To the dark sides???? Was I that horrible to him? No. It has to be a trick. He would never willingly go. And even if he did I can't let him leave. I won't let him leave.
We all need him.

"Guys." I called getting Patton and Logan's attention. "I think Virgil's been taken. We need to get him back." Patton gasped. "Do you mean,-" he started as Logan finished. "-A trip to the manour will take a week fastest. Are you sure he's there?" "Yes. Lo, think about it. He wouldn't just leave a note. And he would never ditch his hood." They soon both nodded in agreement and we began to pack our things, getting ready to head out.

There was no way Virgil would leave us...


Wow that was messy and terrible.
Schools been awful but I have all As now so yayyyyyyyy.
But next part will be up soon I promise

A kingdom of thorns. (A dukexiety AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin