LIME Sousuke x Quiet!Reader ~Free!~

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I forced myself to remain silent as I looked through his answers, noting places he missed a step or where he had no idea what he was doing. I placed the papers down, opening my notebook to a new page and writing down an equation.

"Okay, so this is what you need to use for questions like this one," I point to the first one he missed, "if you memorize this then it will be much easier."

He nods, I move on to explain further about how to use the equation. After some time I hear the classroom door close again, with a quick look I notice the teacher had left. I look back at the paper, moving onto another part that he seemed to be struggling on.

"Okay, so if you move this exponent here, you only need to square-root to find the answer."

I point at the numbers, he was now writing down answers to questions I write down. I watched as he was focused on the problem, allowing my thoughts to drift off again. A memory of a music performance filled my thoughts, the seductive looks the singers made caused my face to heat slightly.


I shake my head slightly, turning to face Sousuke who was finished. My face becomes a deeper shade of red as I write down another equation. Turning away quickly after to calm down myself, throwing the image from my mind before turning back to him.

But he wasn't working t solve it this time, his eyes drifted up to the clock making mine do the same.


I sigh, this is taking longer than I had originally thought. I look over again, my eyes lock with Sousuke who was already looking at me. My eyes widen slightly, unsure of why his eyes were glued on me.

"I-Is there something on my face?" I stutter, nervous as my movements are watched.

He simply shakes his head, his eyes travel down my body before going back up to lock with mine again. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, before peeling my gaze from him and pushing the paper further infront of him.

"Are you scared of me?" He asks suddenly, I look at him confused further.

"No, why?"

"Then why are you so nervous?"

I didn't want to answer, knowing that no-matter what I say will be pathetic. In a quick effort I find the quickest response to end the conversation.

"I'm just an anxious person."

He hummed slightly, letting me know that he at least slightly understood what I meant, or at least heard me. I shuffle in my seat, keeping my eyes on the desktop.

He moves his eyes off me, allowing my lungs to fill with air as he completes the equation. He doesn't show all his work, resulting in a mistake in the final answer, I point out this.

He leans closer, innocently to get a better look at the paper. I mentally shook my head, getting the less-than-innocent suggestions away. He seems to lean closer than needed, causing his breath to fawn the side of my neck.

The gentle puffs of air sent shivers up my spine, his shoulder moves behind me, allowing himself to move closer. I can feel the back of my chair steady, meaning he is resting his arm against it. I hold in the blush, speaking in a quieter tone as I breath as softly as possible. He leans even closer, his lips brush my shell of my ear

"Well that makes sense," he mutter, his masculine tone vibrates against my ear, making me shover again, this time more noticable.

I write down another equation and shift it towards him, he stop me from moving it far. His hand slightly wraps around mine as he takes the pencil, moving the arm farther from me onto the desk to work on the problem.

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