"And I can feel the tiny spark in you. The other human, too. The witch has Demon fire, which is something entirety different." The dragon smiles, showing all her pointy teeth. It's rather terrifying. I note how she distinguished them as humans and me as a witch. To her, my demonic power is likely the only power worthy of the title.

"It was an honor to meet you." Nova gives a deep and sincere bow.

The dragon turns back around and lowers her head once more. "There is no honor here, human. You and I are the same."

With a short breath, she releases a small stream of fire. Dark red flames pour out and pool on the ground until she stops breathing. With what I swear is a wink, she rises and trundles through the veil.

As soon as she touches it she winks from existence, having moved from this plane to the next. Her daughter gives a twirl, trumpeting once, then prances after.

I laugh. "Kids."

Carter looks at me funny. I shrug. "I'm glad Mex was able to contact them. I was a bit worried after I entrusted the hatchling to his care. He threatened to eat her, you know."

Nova scowls at me. "I don't know how you can call that demon your friend. Or how you trust him. Why'd you send away your Summons? At least when he was here he was sworn to protect you."

I'd had to do some quick thinking after I'd woken up. "I'm worried Serafina will try something against my partner since he's the one who's taken credit for Jonas's arrest. I feel better knowing he has backup."

Never let it be said the Demon Realm isn't well informed. I probably knew more about the world when I was down here than when I was actually in the Middle Realm.

Nova scoffs. "Whatever."

I ignore it because I know she was worried about me, even though she hides it. I don't remember anything after trying to make the rift. Carter told me we'd made it here and Mex had taken us in. Then, I'd slept for four days and nights with Runsel by my side. I'd awoken the fifth morning starving. Mex had sent a servant to the Middle Realm to fetch us food and I'd made him promise not to steal it. He agreed much too easily for my taste.

It's been a week since then, and I'd been able to lounge and rest. Today was the first time I'd left Mex's mansion and even now Mex was escorting us. My days of being incognito were officially over. Apparently when we arrived there'd been quite the crowd visiting Mex, which meant too many Demons knew a human was in town. Make that three humans.

I didn't really want to leave, though. Even if I was human, with my powers still unlocked I can protect myself better here than anywhere else.

"You seem different here."

I turn in surprise to see Carter watching me as I was lost in thought. "What do you mean?"

"You seem carefree. Happy. I think I've seen you smile and laugh more here than I did even before we joined CODE." He's frowning at me.

I once more look at the beautiful blue veil. "Maybe you understand how I feel now."

It's his turn to be surprised. "How so?"

"You're constantly on guard here, worried someone will spot you. You're thinking, what will they do if they know I'm human? Will they attack me? If they do, can I protect myself? Every person is a threat until proven otherwise and even then, like Mex, they're still not quite trusted." I turn to him and he nods slowly. "I feel like that all the time at home."

He freezes as my words sink in. His eyes are sad when he finally responds. "I'm sorry."

"Not your fault." I give a little wave. "This place feels safe to me. I can protect myself against demons and my grandmother would never dare come here."

Night Witch (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now