How do I make new friends? ~Jules

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Making friends can be hard! When you struggle with extreme shyness like I do, it can be an extremely daunting and nerve wracking task.  Here's some things I do that might be able to help you:

- Compliments go a long way! This might sound so cliche but it's so true!
- Ask someone to send you pictures of a packet or classwork. That way, you'll have their number and you can try texting which might be easier than talking face to face!
- If you're in a class where you have desks grouped in fours but only one other friend in the class, try to sit at a table where there's already two other people so you'll have two specific people to work with.
- Ask friends for help! If you have a super outgoing friend, ask them to introduce you to people you meet when you're out with them. Having the support of someone you're close with might be able to help with nerves.
- Join clubs! If you enjoy them enough, you can run for assistant/ leadership positions which will provide you with automatic friends as you spend a lot of time with the people you run the club with.
- Find a hobby that you can do with other people! In my case, I do sports and I have been able to meet so many amazing friends from both school sports and outside leagues.

Hope this helps! Feel free to comment your ideas to help other people :)

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