Too Late

379 17 13

Nico's POV

I hate everything

I hate everyone

I especially hate him

He was the reason this happened

He was the reason she didn't return

He promised

He promised!

He said he would keep her safe, he said he would watch out for her.

And now she was dead!

Bianca had been the only person who really cares about me

She had been the only one who understood me


Another small fissure opened up, that seemed to be happening a lot

Since I had opened the ground and cast the skeleton monsters he had obviously sent to kill me, I've been feeling this strange power welling up inside me

I feel darkness rolling off me in waves



No, I couldn't, I hate him

Remembering the phrase, there's a fine line between love and-

No, it's all hate, hate hate HATE

Another small crack in the ground

Another small break in my heart

I kick a stone and sending it skittering away

I remember how he reacted when I opened the ground up (Ok so, I haven't read Titan's Curse in a while, I can't remember if Percy told Nico that he's the son of Hades but I'mma pretend he didn't, they don't have the audiobook on youtube)

He seemed scared, almost panicked, I could tell he knew who my godly parent was, but I didn't want to hear it from him, I didn't want to even see his face again

I realize after a while I had no where to go, and I was kind of lost, maybe not the best idea running into the woods

I look around and see a cluster of rocks, with a crevice big enough to crawl into, this would do, at least for the night.

I walk over and try to crawl into it but apparently it was deeper than I thought, at the bottom was, what looked almost like a brick tunnel.

I look around incredulous, how did this get here.

I decide I might be able to get out of camp this way, and still sleep with a shelter over my head if need be.

I walk just a few steps but then suddenly felt very disoriented

I put my hand against the wall and found that a small blue triangle lit up, I pressed it and an entrance opened up.

I look up expecting it to look like dusk but it seemed to be blinding daylight

I cautiously step out and find myself in the other side of New York City

I decide that the hallway, or whatever, was magical, I probably shouldn't go back in, just in case

I wander around the city for a bit then realize I had literally no plan, I was alone with no money, no where to stay, and no food or water.

As I panic I suddenly feel cold, everything goes dark

When daylight returns I'm standing near a Mc. Donald's it seems

I try to figure out how I did that, I noticed I was standing in the shadow of a building

That cold feeling, was it possible I traveled through...

I was thinking of food...


But maybe...

I start towards the Mc. Donald's before remembering I had no money

I step back into the shadow, I try to focus, to see if I could do what I did last time

Suddenly darkness envelopes me and I reapear in the shadow of a grocery store.

I walk in and try to look casual

I get a few strange looks from people I guess it's strange to see a kid walk into a grocery store without any guardian (I actually forgot how old Nico was so I'm saying he's 12)

I walk around for a bit picking out some food and drinks, I look for a small shadow, anywhere

Curse there grocery stores with their dam flourencent lights everywhere, then I spot a small area with some shadows, it seems the light was broken and yet to be fixed

I walk over casually and try not to draw attention to myself

I look around and see a security camera pointed near this area, I turn away making sure I can see it but it can't see my face

As soon as it turns away I melt into the shadows

I can tell quite a few people will be confused at this IGA (don't actually know if they have that in the US)

I rematerialize outside, I decide to leave before someone came looking for me

I figure this power could be very useful

Revenge was in my grasp

And it was too late to stop me

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