thirty-two || sailors and soviets

Start from the beginning

Ozerov lifted Steve's head up by his hair, clicking his tongue.

"Don't touch him!" Robin barked. "Steve? Steve, can you hear me?" She leaned her head back on him as Steve slouched forward.

"I think your friend need a doctor," Ozerov mused, walking around to Robin as he wiped Steve's blood from his hand. "Good thing we have the very best."

And although he looked to his soldiers as he laughed, when he returned his attention to Robin, she spit in his face.

Ozerov's mused face turned to a glower, wiping away the spit. "You are going to regret that, sooka."

"Bastards." Robin strained against the restraints as the men began to filter out of the room. "Let us outta here! Bastards! Let us out! Let us out!"

For twenty minutes, Robin screamed for help, and it wasn't until then that Steve protested.

The world ached in on Steve like a bag of brick resting on top of his, Robin's voice only increasing the weight. "Would you stop yelling?" he mumbled.

"Steve?" Robin let out a relieved sigh. "Steve! Oh, my god! Steve, are you okay?"

"My ears are ringing and I can't really breathe," he replied slowly, "and my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, but, you know, apart from that, I'm doing pretty good."

"Well, the good news is that they're calling you a doctor."

Steve's brows lifted as he finally raised his head, neck aching. "Oh boy."

Both Robin and Steve turned as a feminine voice rang out in Russian, partially muffled by the door between them.

"Here's your doctor," Robin said.

"Oh, come on!"

Steve perked up as a loud metal clattered sounded outside the door. "No way."

The two men guarding the room let out childish yelps, a massive thudding against the wall grabbing the hostages' attention.

"Steve?" Robin asked quietly. "What's going on?"

The door swung open without touch, causing Steve to laugh.

"Ha ha!" he expressed, his one good eye taking in the glorious sight of none other Tatum Rivers in the doorway.

Robin's face faltered. "Tatum?"

Grinning wide behind glasses that didn't quite fit her personality, Tate wiped the blood from her nose before she jogged to her favorite ice cream slingers and got to work on the restraints around them. "Sorry for the late arrival. You would be amazed at how big this facility is. My brother and I were on our way out of here when we heard you idiots get caught."

"How the hell are you here?" Robin barked, trying to send Steve concerned looks. "Do you work here?"

Tate glanced down to herself, wearing a soviet scientist uniform. She flicked her fake keycard. "Do you really think I work here?"

But Tatum was met with blank faces.

She winced, removing the first restraint belt. "Sorry, I've been speaking a lot of Russian lately so I slip into it. No, I don't work here. But I have been here for what, two, almost three days. I was kidnapped by a Terminator looking guy."

"Tate, they're trying to open it," Steve said, his one good eye meeting hers.

"I know." Tate pulled free the final restraint belt, helping Robin and Steve up from their chairs. "But we need to get you guys the hell out of here."

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