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Mark your calendar young writers! Some important dates for the contest are below

October 27th 2014 - Contest announcement, time to start thinking about ideas.

November 1st 2014 -  Official start date, better start writing!

January 1st 2015 - Contest closes.

January 2nd 2015 - Judging begins, Rebecca (beck717) and Brooke (cookie3770) take into account votes, reads, comments, and their own personal thoughts over the next few weeks.

January 4th 2015 - Judging period ends. The winner, runner-ups, and wild-card are selected.

January 5th 2015 - The winner is announced, and glory shall reign on their soul ( jk ) the runner-ups and wild card winners get called.

Starting Jan. 5th 2015 - Prizes are given away.

Young Writers Day 2014Where stories live. Discover now