A Message From @cookie3770

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Hello everyone,

In honour of our One Year Anniversary here on Wattpad, we decided to host a contest. With this contest, comes a new annual campaign called Young Writers Day, AKA November 1st (the date this club started). With more then 50 members in our first year, I am so proud and excited to bring you this oppurtunity. It will go something like this:

You will have to write a short story ( no more then 25 pages ) involving someone trying to live their dreams.

I'm living one of my dreams right now, writing for you guys, and I'd love to read your stories about other people living their dreams. The contest starts now, and will run until the end of November, more details in the next chapter.

I hope all of you can participate, I don't care if you don't think your a good writer, I think you are. As long as you make me laugh/cry/scream/feel something you have a chance of winning.

More details to be posted soon.




Founder of Young Writers Club

Young Writers Day 2014Where stories live. Discover now