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Unfortunately, you can't have a contest without rules. Fortunately, these ones are simple.

1. Your story has to be published after November 1st 2014 at 12:00 a.m. EST and before November 30th 2014 as 11:59 p.m EST

2. As previosly stated, your story can't exceed 25 pages

3. In order to be entered in the contest, tag your story with #YWCday2014 and put "YWC Day 2014" in the title

4.     Your story should be able to be enjoyed by anyone, so keep it under and including PG-13. PM us with questions about ratings

5.    It can be any genre (yes, that includes fan-fiction)  as long as you stick with the theme of Following your dreams

Refer back here often as rules are subject to change. You can PM this account or my main account @cookie3770 with questions regarding anything to do with the contest.

Young Writers Day 2014Where stories live. Discover now