CH 17//Fever

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When Alex couldn't escape the torment in his mind he decided to just fall asleep in Charlie's arms. Charlie soon did the same, still holding the boy close to him.

A few hours later they were startled awake by a loud thud. Alex looked behind the couch and gasped. His mother had collapsed on the floor.

"Mom!" He cried out. He climbed over the couch and ran up to her. He put his ear up to her chest. Her heart was beating, but she was noticeably warm. He put a hand up to her forehead, she was burning up. He frantically pulled out his phone and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The dispatcher spoke.

"I need an ambulance! My mom is unconscious and I think she has a fever!"

Charlie stood just a few feet behind Alex. He didn't know what to do but still wanted to help in any way he could. As they waited for an ambulance he sat down next to Alex.

"I don't want to lose her" Alex cried.

Charlie hugged him tightly, knowing exactly how he was feeling.


Alex's mom woke up a little when the paramedics were taking her to the ambulance on a stretchor, but she was do dazed she could hardley respond to any of their questions. They allowed Alex to come with her but Charlie had to stay behind. Alex told him he could stay at his place still and that they would be back as soon as possible.

Charlie watched as the ambulance drove off down the road in a hurry. He headed back inside and looked around the now empty trailor. He knew Alex wanted him to stay, but he couldn't help but feel like he was intruding.

He went back to the couch and watched some TV to try and get his mind off things.

About an hour later his phone started to receive message after message within the span of five seconds. Thinking it was Alex, he picked it up and read the texts. Then he realised it was from his Dad.


Charlie's hands shook as he typed back.

'I'm at a friends house'

Seconds later he received more messages.


Charlie started to hyperventalate. His phone continued to go off but he didn't dare read them. He chucked his phone across the room and wrapped himself up in a tight ball. His phone started to ring. He put his hands over his ears and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Go away!" He thought to himself. "Just, go away!"

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