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For the rest of the day I avoided interacting with anyone. I only spoke when the teachers asked a question and left the classroom as soon as the bells rang. I ran to my locker and as quickly as I could I left the grounds. My stomach was begging for food seeing as I hadn't eaten lunch. I was sure Renjun and Jaemin had heard mark calling me and put the pieces together so I hadn't joined them for lunch. I did have several texts from Jeno asking where I was but I hadn't replied and I hadn't given the others my number. 

I didn't reply.

I reached home and immediately left my bag by my door before peeling my shoes off and jumping under the covers.

* * *

It was nearing 6 when I woke up from my "siesta". I unwilling dragged myself out of bed and placed all my homework of the kitchen table. I opened my math book and started coping down the question and then turned the oven on. I then wrote the answer after slicing onions. Then I read my History reading while frying some rice. I continued like this until I had a fully cooked meal finished and all my homework in a neat pile completely done. 

It was then that I received a message from an unknown number. 

xxx-xx-xx-xx: Hi! Is this Haechan?

Who's asking?

xxx-xx-xx-xx:It's Renjun from school :)

Set to Renjun?

Yes / No

Hey... how can I 

help u

Renjun: I was just wondering where

 u were at lunch 

I didn't see u...

Or the rest of the day... :(

I didn't feel very good

Renjun: Look... I'm going to be 

honest with you

I'm pretty sure we
both know u overheard
jaemin and I talking

Renjun: Is it the fact that
I dated a guy that 

made you avoid me?? 

Nonono it's not that 

I don't care what gender you date

I just... I didn't expect it
to be Jaemin...

Renjun: What do u mean by that??

"I'm home~" I stood up and rushed over to the entrance when I heard her, unknowingly leaving Renjun on read.

("This is why no-one ever asks you for dating advice twat."

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?!") 

I kissed her on the cheek, giggling when she grimaced and wiped her cheek jokingly, before grabbed her bag. "How was your day?" She sighed. 

"Tiring. I can feel the stress wrinkles appearing on my forehead. Maybe I should get a face mask..."She trailed off looking at herself in the mirror. 

"You look fine~ You just need a good night's sleep and bob's your uncle!" I placed her bag on it's hanger and headed towards the kitchen.

"Oh god, please never say that again, you remind me of my father."  I could practically see her shuddering from my spot in the kitchen and laughed. "Dinner's on the table! Wash your hands and then join me." I sat down and started serving myself a bowl of rice.

"Yes mum~" I rolled my eyes and continued to eat listening to her laughter echoing down the hallway. 


Just wanted to announce that I won't be updating weekly anymore :(( I'm sorry I try my hardest to make chapters larger thou

Also I have another book popping out sometime soon but updates will be almost non existent so yeah

love ya<33

pdate: I don't know why this wasn't published?? Might of deleted it by accident ;( Just wanted to say thank you for hitting 2K!! :D YALL ARE THE BEST ILYSM also sorry for not posting for ages exams have been a bitch, well they still are, but a new chap coming soon! :)

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