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"What do you think you're doing, Lee Donghyuck?" I froze. Of course he would find me. I cursed in my head when I heard whispers coming from Jaemin and Renjun. Obviously I wasn't the only one.

"Ohh~ We spying now are we-" I glared at him and before he could say more I grabbed him by the elbow and dragged him into the nearest bathroom.
I shoved my hand over his mouth and whispered: " For once don't be such an asshole and please be quiet." He didn't reply but his eyes tinkled with curiosity. I heard footsteps passing by outside and tensed up. Only relaxing when they faded.

"Can I talk yet?" Mark mumbled behind my hand oddly submissive.
" I would prefer if you never did but I can't have everything."  I left my hand on his face and didn't take it off until he licked it.

I made a face of disgust and wiped my hand over the side of my jeans. I faced away from him and peered at my unsightly appearance in the bathroom mirror.

Leaning my palms on the edge of the counter top i hung my head when he started talking again. 

"Care to tell me who you were eavesdropping on?" I looked at him through the mirror as he leaned on a stall door.

"Not really." I maintained steady eye contact with him as long as I could without getting the urge to get on my knees and beg. I lowered my eyes back to the sink as he stepped towards me.

I involuntarily jolted when his hand came into contact with my back before he lent over me and whispered in an amused voice into my ear.

"Did you think I wouldn't know about your little secret? It's quite cute really. Your little crush I mean."

I watched my whitening knuckles that griped the sink harder with every word in desperation. I could feel my eyes shaking. I felt him lean off my back and I inwardly sighed in relief.

"Aww is hyuckie scared? Don't be. I'm just trying to help you face reality." He sang in an overly sweet voice. I gritted my teeth.

"Don't call me that. You lost that right a long time ago." I dared myself a peek at his face and I thought I saw hurt flash over his face for a second before it became ruled, emotionless. He stood up straight and looked away.

A heavy silence passed before he spoke once more in a tight voice and left, the bathroom door swinging after him.

"I'm not your enemy here Donghyuck. He has still to come. You shouldn't have comeback. Your not welcome here."



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