You can never find the monster that hides...

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2287, Present Day. 

Diamond City.

Ellie lead Nate and Agatha to the Dugout Inn where she was certain they'd be more comfortable to sleep. As the name suggested, it had once been a dugout for the Red Sox, but after the apocalypse it had been claimed by the Bobrov brothers and converted into a bar and hotel. The interior was murky with weak lights and smelled of strong beer and blood. There were a few patrons hanging around on the dusty sofas scattered about the lobby. On the counter was a radio tuned in to Diamond City's station.

"Ah, Ellie!" Vadim, with a strong Eastern European accent, greeted. "You have news of Earl Sterling? The Detective has finally started to detect?"

Ellie frowned. "I'm sorry, Vadim. Nick just got back and he's so busy with other cases. I actually brought these two in, they're witnesses of a current case Nick is on. They're not from around here and need a place to stay. I was hoping you could help."

"Vadim is always happy to help!" He looked at the two with a grin. "But I am worried about my friend, Earl. It's not like him to stop showing up for work."

"I'll look into the case myself, Vadim." Ellie smiled. "I've been watching Nick work for years and I've picked up on a few of his tricks. He could use the help, too."

"Please, let me know if you find anything. I can answer whatever questions you need about the last I seen of him." Vadim turned his attentions back to Agatha and Nate. "As for you two, you look like you could use a drink. Bobrov's Best Moonshine is made here, I get you a bottle!"

"I think we should rest first." Agatha suggested.

"Yes, you are right. Go to my brother, Yefim. He will get you two a room. When you've rested, you come here to bar and I fix you up with good drink and fine food." He pointed toward a doorway that lead to the rooms of the inn. A man that looked identical to Vadim sat on a chair. However, the Innkeeper wore a dirty tan suit, as opposed to the bartender dressed more casually in a flannel and a tattered denim jacket.

"I only have one room available." Yefim said to them when they approached.

"How many beds?" Agatha asked.

"Just one, but there is sofa, too."

Agatha nodded, "that should be fine."

Ellie handed the caps over to Yefim herself and whispered the instructions Nick had left for them: not to let them leave for at least a couple hours, and not to check out until they'd eaten something. Yefim grunted in response and Ellie made her departure after assuring Vadim, again, that she would look into finding his missing friend.

They were put in room 2. It was simple, with a mattress on a steel bed frame pushed to the corner, a small set of drawers by the door, coffee table with candles on top that gave off a low orange light, and an old red sofa in front of the table. A single light bulb hung flickering from the ceiling. Yefim closed the door behind them and they were left alone.

Agatha made her way to the sofa and sat upon it. Nate continued to stand in the middle of the room, looking around as though he could not make out where he was.

"I should be out there, looking for my son." He muttered. "Not in here."

"You'll get yourself killed if you're not rested." Agatha offered. "What good will that do for Shaun then?"

He dragged his feet toward the bed and dropped himself to the edge of it. For a long time they sat like that in silence: Agatha watching him from her end of the room, and him staring at the rug on the floor, waiting to see it move. He wouldn't trust her, not when she still hid her face despite being his roommate. She took the hood off and untied the bandana.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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