"C'mon," Louis stood up and held a hand out to help Harry up as well. "Let's go."

Harry took his hand, stood up and pulled Louis' body against his, giving him one more kiss before they linked hands again and went across the street to where their friends were waiting.


Harry felt tears prick his eyes as he walked past that park, looking to the spot where he and Louis used to lay and have picnics.

He saw the spot where they had kissed and exchanged 'I love you's, though he wasn't quite sure they ever meant anything. If it really was love, surely things would be different. Surely Harry wouldn't be alone on his way to class.

They always used to walk together to and from their lectures.

Harry pushed Louis from his mind once he'd rounded the corner and got onto campus. He decided that he was allowed to be mopey in private, but he was going to act totally fine in public. Since that was what Louis was doing, he would do the same.

He wiped his eyes quickly and put his signature 'happy' face on as his traipse turned to a stride with his change of demeanor, making his way across the quad. He let out a deep breath and hoped his face wasn't too red from the tears.

He swung open the door to building D and smiled at a group of freshman that were openly staring at him, before heading to the room his history class was in.

As he treaded through the hallways, he smiled and waved at everyone who greeted him.

"Hey Harry."

"Hi Harry."

"What's up, Harry."

For each person who cheerily spoke to him and smile he had to then return, he felt the hole in his heart grow a little more. Nothing meant as much to him as hearing kind and loving words from Louis. Without them, hearing things like that from others just made him hurt.

He wasn't overly popular, but he was a nice guy, so he did have quite a few acquaintances, although most of them were due to him having Louis and his chatty personality with him all the time.

However, when he pushed open the doors to the lecture theatre to see only a few of his classmates already there, he realized he didn't really know any of them.

But what really caught his eye was some guy he had never seen before sitting up in the back row of the theatre all alone.

And he was attractive, Harry thought, his hair was quiffed to perfection and his facial hair just added to the rugged look that Harry thought was just so damn good.

Usually, he would never take notice of other guys, because he had his Lou, but this boy was just exceptionally beautiful.

Harry thought the newbie must have changed classes and didn't know anyone in this one, so he went up to the back row and sat down next to him, trying to be friendly.

Nervously, he looked at him out the corner of his eye before taking a deep breath and turning to him with a smile.

It kind of reminded him of the first time he spoke to Louis, except that was in a bathroom and ended in much more embarrassing circumstances.

"Hey," Harry said with an heir of confidence. "I haven't seen you in here before. You transfer classes or something?"

"Um," the kid replied with a nervous smile. "I just moved here a couple days ago, I'm new to town, actually."

"Oh," Harry nodded. "That's cool. Do you know anyone here?"

"Yeah," The kid smiled. "I have one friend from home that lives here now."

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