I clear my throat and jump back, flattening out of my clothes.

Cisco clears his throat, admittedly speaking, "That's my bad- that's on me."

Joe was looking at Barry, "I want that Arrow out of my city- tonight."


"I thought you didn't want to help." Barry whispered to Oliver Queen and Felicity at Jitters as I made my way over to them.

"I'm not." Oliver whispered back, "It's just a name."

"Hey guys-" I greet, coming to Barry's side, "How's it going?"

Oliver smiles at me, "You must be Zee."

God, he was so hot.

"Yeah- that's my name." I clear my throat, trying not to embarrass myself in front of Oliver, looking between Felicity and Barry, "So- I heard the Arrow's in town, and I was actually wondering if any of you guys had any details on his encounter with the Flash the other night?"

Oliver sat up, "Why do you need these details?"

"For my blog- I write about the Flash." I slip my hands into my back pocket, my eyes falling onto Barry, "You think you can give me any details?"

Barry stares at me for a moment before realizing what I meant, "Oh! Yeah- yeah, of course."

I only wondered what Oliver Queen was doing in Central City.

I didn't mention this to Barry, but I found it suspicious that Oliver Queen and The Arrow show up to Central City the same night.

But, you never know.

Maybe I was wrong.

I was trying my best to stay secret about Barry's identity around Oliver, just in case he wasn't who I suspected he was, trying to be as subtle about wanting details as possible.

I wanted to know everything, and since Barry was there, he would give me all the details I needed for a great blog post.

Iris walks over, practically swooning over Oliver already, placing their coffees in front of them, "One non-fat latte, extra sugar for Felicity, and one coffee, black, for Oliver."

Iris leans into the table, smiling ear to ear at Oliver, "I brewed you a fresh pot, so-"

"Thank you." Oliver had his arms crossed, smiling at her softly in thankfulness.

"Yeah." Iris softly smiled, standing up straight as she couldn't stop staring at him.

"Well- I can feel the second hand humiliation already, so-" I trail off and grab Barry's hand, "Barry, side bar."

"All right-" Barry lets me pull him over to the side, where I instantly hit his arm, "Ow! What are you doing?"

"You did not tell me that you knew Oliver Queen." Excitement was threaded on my expression.

"I know Oliver Queen." Barry mutters, "You looked so cool about it a few seconds ago-"

"I was concealing my inner fangirl so I didn't make a fool out of myself!" I ran a hand through my hair, "Iris was practically drooling over him."

"Well- you did a pretty good job." Barry slips his hands into his pockets.

"Oh, my God, he's even more handsome in person." I admired, "And his arms are, like, twice the size of yours."

Barry shot me a look, "Technically they're not twice the size-"

"Does my hair look okay?" I ran a hand through my hair and began messing with it to try and fix it.

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