3. Knight in Shining Armor

Start from the beginning

It was winter, fresh snow filled the ground. The air thin and dry and the night long and cold. He was walking home with his classmate. Silver spiky hair, holding his briefcase over his shoulder with one hand. He admired Kakashi so much but he could never admit it to him. After all, Kakashi was admired by all those who had seen his face. That led the man to mainly wear a mask covering the lower half of his face whenever he saw him in open public areas.

They had parted ways as usual and Itachi found himself pinned against the wall. Without his knowledge, Kakashi had the habit of following him to make sure he got home safe.

Itachi wasn't much of a fighter despite having been trained in Kendo in his early years. He didn't like fighting.
"One peep and I'll slit your throat" the voice threatened. "Hand out your paperwork and you can go on your merry way" Itachi wasn't about to give away three years of hard work.

He used the basic self defence moves to break free. It was that opportunity that Kakashi was waiting for. He had used what Minato-sensei had taught him. He wasn't nearly as fast as he should have been.

He suffered a grave injury that night. It nearly left him blinded in his left eye. The perpetrator ran away at the sight of blood.
"Kakashi senpai!" He got on his knees near the man and moved his hand away. His hand holding Kakashi's and the other calling for help on the phone.

It was after that accident that he mustered the courage to ask Kakashi out.

They have been together for almost four years now; without his brothers' knowledge.

Naruto went through his backpack and handed Sasuke a bottle of water. If this was the guy his brother liked, he was fine with it. He knew he was a good person and he obviously put his life on the line to protect his precious brother yet again.

They spoke to the police and Itachi didn't want the boys to skip school so he agreed to drive them to the police station later that day.
"I wasn't scared," Sasuke said out of nowhere.

"Of course you weren't, Sasuke" Naruto replied pleasing his classmate. The blond had dropped the honorifics all of a sudden and he liked how his name sounded with none. Sasuke noted that the sunkissed teen wasn't being sarcastic either, he genuinely said that.

Naruto knew the Uchiha was scared shitless, he almost died, anyone would have been scared. But he was trying to make the boy feel better and if this little white lie was going to help then who was he to deprive him of it?

When the duo walked in class, it had gone silent. Eyes landed more on the new kid: astonishment, admiration, resentment, jealousy, anger and a pure set of eyes that genuinely were too lazy to care.

Sasuke could think more clearly with time. He saw the hyperactive boy that sat next to him was unusually calm. His eyes closing and opening slowly, his breathing was short and his cheeks were on the verge of exploding 'Usuratonkachi is sick' he figured out. He had noticed a couple of days ago but the boy claimed he had just finished working out. He had believed that lie like a fool.

He had kept an eye on Naruto until the bell rang.
"You're sick" Sasuke stated as soon as it was just the two of them. He reached his hand to Naruto's forehead but the latter stopped him midway.

"I'm fine. It's a slight fever" the boys turned to the sudden screaming of girls peeking through the doors of the classroom. They were jealous at the fact Naruto was holding Sasuke's forearm. They were even more jealous knowing Sasuke showed attention to the new kid. It was a mystery to them, why was he so caring towards Namikaze-san?

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