Whatever it takes.

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No one's POV------------------------

That morning Mikey woke up, he vaguely remembers the dream he had, him committing suicide then his family actually caring. It all seemed to good to be true. Mikey sighed as he walked down the stairs into the kitchen, where no one was sitting.

The house sat there silently, which concerned Mikey, as of not being used to being yelled at by one of his brothers or his father. 

Mikey walked into the living room, where he saw his family sitting on the couch and chairs that were placed in the room. 

The family looked u[ at the boy when he walked in. 

"um...i'll start breakfast." Mikey said, blushing, as he turned to walk into the kitchen before he was basically tackled in a warm embrace. He let out a small gasp before seeing that it was Raphael that hugged him.   

"We are so sorry little brother." Raph whispered into his hear. Hearing Raph call him that made him tear up, he has never been called that before, much or less by one of his brothers.

His other family members soon joined in, surrounding him. Mikey started to sob but refused to hug back. He was confused on what had changed his family's mind after 16 long years. 

After 10 minutes of silence other then Mikey's sobs, they sat his down on a chair and sat in front of him, explaining their dreams from last night. 

"We want to change, little bro." Donnie said to the young boy. 

Mikey locked eyes with him before avoiding eye contact with any of them, a sign that he didn't believe them. 

Leo knelled in front of the boy and took his hand, making Mikey lock eyes with him. 

"Believe us brother, we'll do whatever it takes."

Mikey Depressed SequelWhere stories live. Discover now