↯chapter seven: POTIONS PARTNERS↯

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"Perhaps." Draco snorted.

"Don't come to the tower tonight. I would like to be alone." The two boys had never really established a schedule of who should get the tower when. And even though Draco had seemed pretty adamant that he didn't want to share it with Harry, he had been constantly telling him when he wasn't allowed up there the past week

"Bummer. What if I intend to have a bad dream tonight?"

"Well don't intend to have a bad dream Potter." Draco said with a sigh. Harry smiled.

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"Have you been... Talking to Malfoy?" Hermione asked slowly at dinner. Everyone looked to Harry who shrugged lightly.

"Once or twice. We're partners in potions now. We kind of have to talk."

"You could tell him to fuck the absolute hell off." Ron said. Harry said nothing. Ron's mood had been... Sour ever since the party. Nobody really knew how to help or what to say. No matter what they did, everything seemed to set Ron off. 

"I'll tell him. He probably won't say anything though." Harry said, stealing a glance across the dining hall. Draco was pushing his food around on his plate as Blaise and Pansy talked around him. Harry pursed his lips, wondering if he should abide by Draco's warning to not go to the tower tonight. Harry wasn't sure why but... Every time he talked to Draco he got this weird rush of adrenaline. It was that same rush he used to get when they would fight but somehow... This felt different. In a good way. 

Draco looked up and locked eyes with Harry across the dining hall. He wanted to flip the dark haired boy off but if he did, that would have only attracted the attention of Blaise and Pansy and he was trying very hard to fly under their radar, under everyone's radar. Draco held Harry's gaze for a second too long and he watched Harry slowly blush and look away, pretending as if he hadn't been staring. Draco smirked lightly. 

"Heard you got saddled with Potter by the way Draco." Blaise said suddenly. 

"Unfortunately." Draco said with a grimace. 

"I don't see why you won't let us just..." Pansy scoffed and shook her head.

"We're trying not to be complete prats remember? We all agreed in the common room."

"Yeah, I agreed before I remembered what absolute fucking bastards the lot of them all. They act as if we're the ones... I mean it's not our fault Voldemort was from our house. Just because we're Slytherin doesn't mean we're bad." Pansy said. Blaise snickered.

"You are kind of a bad person though Pans." Blaise said. Pansy scowled at him. 

"Only because that's how they wanted us to be. That's what I became because it's what they expected. How could we be anything but? I never had a bloody choice in the matter." Draco swallowed hard, knowing where she was coming from. He had known he would be a Slytherin long before he had even been accepted at Hogwarts. It was just... A given. 

Draco used to be proud to be a Slytherin. He used to wear his colors with pride, all the other house be damned. Now though, the green and silver felt like the marks of traitors, liars, deceivers. The marks of monsters. Pansy was right to some extent. Everyone pinned the Slytherin House as evil. So how could they be anything else? 

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"I thought we agreed that tonight was my night Potter." Draco said, hearing the door behind him creak open. Draco didn't dare look back at him. He probably had bed head or would be wearing those same ridiculous Gryffindor pajamas under his robe again.  

Love Thy Enemy// DrarryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora