chapter 10 - "a boring day-"

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Another  M o n d a y - nothing else to say-

Molten's pov
I wasn't really in the mood to go to work today.. but I wanted to see Lefty.. might as well go to work. I rolled out of bed, basically falling off the bed- then I stood up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Aaaaa tiiimmmeee skkiiippp

I'm sitting at a table, waiting for the rest of everyone. The only ones here right now is me, my nephew Helpy, my cousin Red (Rockstar Freddy), and Morgan (Security Puppet), I guess we were too early. Then Lefty and Beth (Scrap Baby) walked in the pizzeria. "Oh? Are we the only ones here? Or are we just too early?" Beth asked then Red replied "yeah, the pizzeria opens in 9am and right now it's 6am" I just sat there doing nothing then I looked at Lefty, who looked very sleepy. Lefty then walked to the table I'm at, sat next to me and he leaned on me then fell asleep. I slightly blushed and Helpy looked at me with a mischievous smile. "Don't-" I was cut of by Helpy screaming. I sighed.

Beth's pov cuz why not-
I saw Lefty walked to the table where Molten is at, sat next to him and leaned on him then fell asleep. I decided to take a picture and send it to Frankie (Happy Frog).
Beth: "yo"
Frankie: "wut"

Frankie: "thanks, now I have the confidence to go to work"Beth: "you're welcome ;>"Hmm

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Frankie: "thanks, now I have the confidence to go to work"
Beth: "you're welcome ;>"
Hmm.. now I wonder.. how long are gonna stay like that? Meh maybe when Lefty wakes up- which will probably be in 10am or 1pm-

It's now 7:29am and Frankie just arrived. "Did I missed it?" She asked and I pointed to Lefty, still sleeping on Molten. "Yes!" She shouted excitedly and took a picture. And we decided to chat while waiting for everyone to arrived.

It's 8:49am. Chalice (Rockstar Chica), Ben (Rockstar Bonnie), and Felix (Rockstar Foxy) just arrived. "Sorry if we're kinda late, I had to picked up these two" said Chalice, talking about Ben and Felix. They noticed Lefty sleeping on Molten and Felix asked "how long they be like that?" "Since 2 hours ago" Red replied. "Well, gotta say, that's adorable" Chalice said and basically all of us nodded in agreement.

1 hour later everyone has arrived and all noticed Lefty and Molten. Lefty is still sleeping. It's been 3 hours! Apparently some took pictures and saying they're cute together. They say they would make a adorable couple! But they all don't know that they're are already dating. Except me because Lefty told me last chapter-

Molten's pov
It's almost opening time and Lefty is STILL sleeping. I needed to go to my office but at the same time.. I didn't want to wake him up so I thought of two options.. 1: I'll carry Lefty to my office 2: I'll just stay like this until he's awake. I've chosen the second option because if I move he might wake up and I don't wanna bother him. "Hey, buddy" I called out for Helpy and he ran towards me. "Yes, Uncle Molten?" He said and I asked him "are you okay with watching the cameras again?" "Of course!" He said and ran to my office.

Customers has arrived and obviously notice me and Lefty. Some awe and took pictures. The first thing the customers are going to see is Lefty sleeping on me. Oh my gosh..

It's 1pm and Lefty finally woke up. "Oh hey, how long have I been asleep?" Lefty asked and I replied "since 6:22am? Basically.. 5 hours I think" "oh, okay" he said and he stood up, stretching his arms up and he walked to the restroom.

Annoothhherrr tiiimmmeee skippp

Closing time and some already left. Me and Lefty were in the play area (where kids basically play-), privately talking. "So, are you gonna tell everyone that we're dating?" Lefty asked "I guess? I think it's kinda obvious since you slept on me for hours. And everyone was okay about it" I replied. "Beth is the only one who knows that we're dating. And I don't think everyone knows that yet." Lefty said. Then I thought about it.. "maybe on Friday? I have something in mind" I said and Lefty nodded.

End of chapter

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