Be Careful What You Wish For

Start from the beginning

She stroked his cheek and batted her thick lashes at him.

"She doesn't have to know."

"I-I-I..." he sputtered, "I just can't."

"Oh, come on! It's only a kiss. Just one little poisonous kiss."


"Oh," she said, and she chuckled. "Did I say poisonous?"

More pollen puffed in his face and he staggered.

"I... I don't remember..."

Another wave of pollen swept over him. His mind reeled.

"Don't remember what?" Rapunzel taunted.


What was it he had forgotten again? He couldn't remember, not with the beautiful siren before him. Not with her emerald eyes drawing him in as if by magic. Her hands against his cheeks, pulling him closer. Her plush purple lips poised to take his into them.

"I promise you won't live to regret it," she whispered into his mouth

And then her lips pressed against his.

The kiss seared his lips and she pulled him close, flush against her breasts. Her perfume was all around him. Her soft locks enveloped him.

Time slowed to a crawl. Her tongue slipped between his lips, danced gracefully over his own. He barely had time to press in when nectar, sharp and sweet, rushed over his tongue and dripped down his throat.

Rapunzel's kiss lasted little more than a second, but the damage was done. She released him with a loud "mwah!" Her toxic kiss sizzled on his lips.

He stumbled backwards with a series of strained gasps. He grasped at his constricting throat, his swollen, purple tongue extended, every nerve alight, not with pain but with pleasure. Pleasure so intense that it raged through his body in a matter of seconds and left him numb to any feeling but pleasure and an overwhelming love for the beautiful siren that smiled down on him as he fell back into a bed of flowers.

Vines twisted around him, and purple flowers kissed his skin. Pink dust swirled around him. Everything blurred. Needles pricked at the back of his mind and stars exploded out of the corners of his eyes; spots filled his vision. The black around the edges closed in as Rapunzel lay down beside him.

"Oh my love," she cooed, "We could have had so much fun..."

"I-I could still..." he gasped, desperately trying to speak coherently around his swollen tongue.

"Oh no no," she laughed. "It's too late for that, my love. One kiss, remember? I promised."

"Please. I'll do anything!"

She batted her eyes in mock innocence.


"Anything!" he repeated.

"But what about your dear ladylove?"

Her voice had grown huskier. Her plump, sensuous lips hovered just out of reach, puckered into an unspoken promise even as she denied him, taunting him.

"Weren't you waiting for her?"

It took a few seconds for Alan to comprehend what she said. He could hardly concentrate on anything but her her beauty. Alan's former life had slipped entirely from his mind.

Rapunzel's tease had reminded him, but he couldn't recall his lover's face or even her name. All he could see what Rapunzel's beauty before him, her lips poised to kiss him, and all other thoughts fled his mind as he reached the siren.

"I want you," he gasped.


"There's nothing else—no one else—I could ever want as much."

"So you wouldn't mind," she cooed, and she stroked his lips with her fingers. "If I kissed you again?"

"Yes! Please!"

"So you would mind?"

"No!" he managed to choke.

"So you don't want me to kiss you."

"I'm begging you!"

"Be careful what you wish for," she said with a giggle, "You just might get it."

And she kissed him. Bliss overwhelmed him. His mind reeled Her soft lips slow and tender against him, the sweet poison seeping in. His mind reeled, melting into intoxication.

With her breasts pressed against his chest, she could feel his heartbeat falter and sputter as the poison overtook him. Rapunzel knew he wouldn't last much longer.

She pulled away, and the flowers descended on him to lavish him in their luscious kisses as the darkness enveloped his failing mind and Rapunzel's perfect smile broadened to reveal her sharp, pearly teeth.

Rapunzel, Flower SirenWhere stories live. Discover now