All in Good Fun Teddy SolomonsxRuby Shelby

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            Teddy thought it was such a good idea. His brother-in-law had suggested he bring along the mare on the hunt. Apparently she was a gift from the Lees and she was very green, hardly broken in at all.

But Charlie said he would be more than capable. And Teddy did not want to shy away from such a task. He'd only been married to Ruby for a little under a year, they'd been engaged for six months and dating for three years. Despite that amount of time, Teddy was still slightly terrified of the Shelby boys. He wasn't too keen on Arthur unexpectedly grabbing him by the shoulders and jostling him around, he sweated under Tommy's icy eyes, and didn't care for Finn's scathing remarks about his university studies. But it was all in love, at least that's what Ruby said. Charlie was perhaps the hardest on Teddy, but as the older brother, it was to be expected.

Moments after the engagement at a family event, Charlie hugged Teddy, only to whisper in his ear.

"If you ever break her heart, I'll fucking gut you and make you eat your intestines."

All in good fun.


"You think you can handle her, Teddy?" Tommy asked as they began down the trail.

"That's what he was asking himself when he proposed to Ruby." Isaiah jeered and exchanged grins with Finn.

"Oi, enough." Tommy glared at them. "Fucking beautiful day out, don't want you idiots ruining it. Now jog on." He shooed them off and began walking side by side with Teddy.

The young man's face had gone a little pink. "She was steady on the cross-ties, didn't fuss much when I tacked her up. Erm, not Ruby I uh-meaning the horse."

Tommy chuckled and lit up a cigarette. "I knew your father very well. Not as well as your mother of course. But I did see a different side to him."

A hint of a smile crept onto Teddy's face. Before, he only used to get sad when Alfie was brought up. But as he grew into a man, he learned to accept the wisdom. Accept the things he never knew about the mysterious man. To listen to the people who had a clearer memory of him. They were his key to getting closer to his late father. "Mum said he was rough around the edges."

"We were raised very similarly. Raised poor on the streets so we grew to have a rough side." Tommy agreed, his eyes on the trail ahead of them, steadily moving along with his horse's smooth walk. "He was fucking clever though. Never could underestimate him 'less you wanted to get cut." He let out a sigh, exhaling smoke into the foggy air. "I remember when he told me you were born. Just a little bit before Ruby was born. There was something in his eyes that I'd never seen before. He cared about your mother and you very deeply. That night he was willing to risk his life for you both."

Teddy listened with bated breath. He wanted his father-in-law to tell him everything. Describe every interaction with Alfie. What was said, what they did, what he looked like, what his emotions were. He wanted to shed more light on the man in the photographs and the man in his dreams.

"You're not much like him. Not in the way he conducted business." Tommy clarified before the young man wilted in shame. "But I see the way you look at my daughter. It's the same look that your father had. I know you would risk your life in order to save her."

That was a no brainer for Teddy. If it came down to himself or Ruby, he wouldn't have to think twice about it. "Of course. I would never let her be hurt."

Tommy smiled slightly and nodded. "That's how you and Alfie are alike. And it's a good thing too. Loyalty is well-liked in this family."

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