Solomons? Teddy SolomonsXRuby Shelby

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///Linked to my completed Alfie fic, Burned, but it's alright if you haven't read it. The only thing you really need to know is that Teddy Solomons is the son of Alfie and an oc of mine. 


"I'm in love with Teddy Solomons."

Arthur Shelby was far too old for this shit. He couldn't handle the scares that he used to be able to experience every day. Normally, he was pretty quick on his feet, maybe less so than his younger self. But the announcement from his niece completely caught him off guard. So much so that he spat out his whiskey.

The eldest Shelby was sat with his brother at the Garrison, a few hours before it was due to open for the night. It was a little odd because Tommy seldom visited Birmingham. He was far too busy in the Commons to visit Small Heath. Likewise, Ruby rarely traveled back and forth. Either she was in London or in Warwickshire.

"Solomons?" Arthur sputtered, his face already turning red.

Tommy stood behind the bar much calmer than his brother. A hint of a smug smile crossed his face. He knew almost instantly that the two young adults were going to spark up something. The way Teddy could hardly speak clearly in front of her and the way Ruby's fair complexion turned bright red under his eyes.

"You've met up with him again?" Tommy asked.

Arthur was practically spasming with anger. "As in Alfie Solomons?!"

"Yes." Ruby held her head high, her lips pursed. She looked just like her mother when she gave him that confident look. "Several times, in fact, and I love him."

"Tom!" Arthur erupted. "You knew 'bout this?"

"Easy, brother," Tommy replied coolly. "The two met when I was going to see Louise's new foal. He's a very respectable young man."

Ruby was a little surprised by her father's steady demeanor. She expected there to be an issue, like the issue her uncle was clearly having. "Well-well, yes he is." She hesitated and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Why on Earth was he being so nonchalant about the whole issue. When she was younger, Ruby had declared her love for one of the Lee boys. Granted she was only fourteen and it was simply because the teenager could tame any unruly horse. When Tommy heard the news, he had a fit and threatened the boy to stay far, far, far, away from his beloved daughter.

So that was that. Ruby never saw the boy again. But now she was confessing her adoration for the son of an old colleague. Rival? Friend? The details were murky.

"Louise said he served during the Second War." Tommy poured himself and his brother another glass of whiskey.

Arthur gave him a flustered glare. Like Ruby, he was bewildered by Tommy's reaction.

"Yes." Ruby nodded.

Tommy beckoned for his daughter to sit at the bar and poured her a gin and tonic. Warily, she sat down beside her uncle. "Where did he serve?"

"France. Like you." Ruby replied. "He was hurt by a grenade. You should see the scar, nearly lost his entire leg. He's so brave." She chewed on her lip when she thought of the handsome young man who had won her over.

"You've seen the scar?" Arthur demanded. "On his leg? Under what fucking circumstances!?"

"Pral." Tommy hushed him.

"We went swimming behind his home in Surrey." Ruby lifted her chin again, pretending not to be bothered. "It isn't 1920, Uncle Arthur."

" these days!" He threw up his hands.

"I'm not a kid!" She argued. "I'm an adult and so is Teddy. He almost died serving our country just like you lot did so you shouldn't treat him and fucking differently! He goes to university and he's fucking smarter than any of you. And he loves me."

Arthur grimaced but shut his mouth, for the time being, downing the fresh drink Tommy put in front of him.

"And he loves horses," Ruby added, her blue eyes glancing over to her father.

Tommy nodded in acknowledgment. "I know. Mrs. Carleton told me he's a very gifted rider. Perhaps we ought to invite him on a hunt at Arrow House." He suggested. "We can see what sort of a shot he is."

Ruby's eyes lit up. "Really?" She jumped up and reached over the bar to hug her father tightly. "Thank you, daddy, I'll call him right now!" She left the Garrison so quickly that she nearly tipped over the stool she was sitting on.

Arthur pouted in his seat. "I don't like it, Tom." He muttered.

"He's nothing like Alfie." He assured his brother. "And it doesn't matter what either of us says anymore. She's going to see him whether we like it or not."

Arthur grumbled his discontent but just shook his head. "Shelby women, aye?"

"I'm afraid she won't be one for much longer." Tommy sighed and briefly wondered what Alfie would've done if he were still alive. A Shelby and a Solomons. Perhaps he would assume the world was crumbling. 

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