"Is that so?" He smiled disregarding being insulted yet again. "What grade do you study now?"

"First year middle school" he proudly declared with a smug smirk on his face as Naruto looked at him in bewilderment that only seemed to pump up the Uchiha's ego. "You're what? A first grader?"

"Uh..." Naruto stopped and put his finger on his lips and thought hard about how to answer that. He had literally made a big deal out of his friend's achievement he didn't want to make Sasuke feel bad. And he didn't want to be alienated either. "Can I be honest?"

"What? Don't tell me you're not even that..." He snickered

"No...I'm...a h..." He mumbled the words.

"What?" He enquired leaning in to better hear him.

A fatal mistake on Sasuke's part as the blond suddenly blurted with eyes closed. "I'm a high school Freshman!!!" He clasped hands on his mouth.

Sasuke felt every hair on his body stand at the screeching voice of the kid. It was so loud it momentarily made him lose balance and fall to the side. When he collected himself he finally processed what he was told and instead of admiring the blond he laughed.
"As if..." He said in between laughs.

Naruto had never seen someone have that reaction before. It was endearing to the blond who was used to people either hating him out of jealousy and being mean or faking their love and support.

Sasuke was neither of those, he was someone who didn't know who Naruto and his father were. He was someone who for all purposes was the opposite of Naruto's own character. And the blond found himself liking it.

Sasuke only stopped uncontrollably laughing when he felt lips on his cheek. That was sure to make him stiffen in place. He was red, just like his favourite food.

"Sasuke-teme, I like you. You're different" Naruto's uncensored honesty striked once again.

"Naruto-kun, it's time to leave!" Kushina announced from afar.

"Tch, Usuratonkachi" was the only answer Sasuke gave.

"I have to go now, Dattebayo?" He bit his lip nervous "I'll be here next year for the whole festival. So let's meet then, dattebayo?" Naruto bowed and Sasuke found himself returning it. He watched as the strange blond ran towards his mother who scolded him for one thing or another.

He wondered if he would really see him next year as agreed. He didn't know why but his heart was beating frantically, all because a strange kid had kissed his cheek.


It has not been easy.

He opened his eyes facing another day in that broken home. He didn't feel like doing anything but his grandparents weren't about to accept that. A week ago, he didn't even know he had grandparents. But a week ago he had his dad and didn't have a single care in the world.

He went to the bathroom, a ghost of himself staring right back at him. His sun-kissed skin was pale, bags under his eyes, lips chapped and his blond hair a greasy mess. He can remember the last time he genuinely smiled. It was earlier of the day of the accident. The day his family was broken.

His mom was a mess too; she suffered a nerve break-down upon receiving the news. But he was just empty inside. He didn't cry for losing his dad despite being close to him. He didn't shed a single tear; it was worrying.

They were going to move back to Konoha, he had only been there when called for TV shows. He knew his parents both grew up there. He didn't want to go, this was home for him but if for the sake of his mother then he would do anything.

Broken (SasuNaru / NaruSasu)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang