Lou, were sick.Zouis.

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Lou, were sick.

"Are you sure about this? I mean its two people?" Sneeze

"Of course I'm sure. He was a total jerk to us when he was germing up the place. Just call him and go get some rest before he gets here. You look horrible" The oldest started walking towards his door.

"Zayn?"  He answered with a short hum

"Your sick and you look worst than me." The boy walked off leaving a shock and sick Zayn in front of his door.
The brunette reached over and picked up his ringing device.

"Hello? " he asked. There was a couple sniffles before answer.

"Louis, its Harry." Louis took notice on how the boy sound off...nasal maybe?

"Hey Haz. You alright? Ya sound kind of off." More sniffles, some coughing, and a nose blow later Harry spoke.

"Well remember that time you got sick and Zayn and I had to take care of you? You do? Well anyway we need you to come help out. Thanks Lou and the doors open."

And the conversation was over. Stun and confused Louis still rushes to put on shoes and grab his keys. He'd do anything for those boys. Ever since getting famous he feels like no one ever needs to be taken care of anymore. He has four younger sisters who always needed him and now, he kind of misses that feeling. That's why when he went and bought some soup there was a massive smile on his face.
Louis opened the door and was met with a groan and sounds of some one vomiting on two different sides of the house. He dropped his bags on the kitchen table and filled a cup up with water. He followed the sound of vomiting. Louis was met with the sight of Zayn bent over the toilet sweating and spitting his guts out. Louis set the cup by sink and began rubbing Zayn's back, whispering soothing words in his ear. He could deal with Harry's groaning next.
Seven cans of soup and three head rubs to Zayn followed by two boxes of tissue to Harry plus many, many more request Louis was exhausted. Exhausted to the point that if he has to rub lotion between Harry's toes again he will go crazy. Like really crazy.

"Lou, where's the soup?"

"In a sec." He calls back. Picking up one of the bowls he makes his way to Harry. Opening the door he taps somewhere on Harry's thigh.

"Harry your soups here babe." He patiently waits for Harry turn over. Once he has, Harry picks up the bowl and takes a bite.

"This is actually really good Lou." And the fact that there's no hint of lying and he has a genuine smile on his face makes Louis flush. He walks out the door and braces himself for Zayn reaction. Out of the two Harry had been way more nice, even though Harry is as sick as Zayn. Picking up the bowl he goes to Zayn's door and enters.

"Zee, your soup is ready." He can barely hear Zayn mumble 'about time'. He chooses to ignore it but he still heard it. Louis puts the bowl in Zayn's hand. He backs up and wait for his reaction. After a minute or two he gets one. And well, expect the unexpected.

"Louis, what is this?"

"Soup?" Zayn's face is blank and Louis is almost positive he should be scared because of it.

"Is it so?" Zayn mumbles. He puts the spoon in the soup and picks up the spoon again. He tilts the spoon, watching the soup fall back in the bowl. And Louis is confused. Harry said it tastes good and Harry isn't known for lying. Then suddenly a spoon is being hurled at his head and he only has little time to duck.

"Please tell me how this is soup."

"W-well the can-"

"Fuck the can Louis. This soup tastes like..like.." Zayn looks down at the soup and up at Louis again. "Broccoli and ass."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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