Mountain Lane

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Today was just supposed to be a normal day. At least that what they thought. Charlie, Reece, Chris, Barclay, Tom, James, Casey, Jake, Kaela, and Naomi were supposed to just have a fun day. Hang out, get some lunch, maybe see a movie. BUT, thats not how it happened. Im not going to spoil what happens, so lets start from the beginning of the day.

Everyone was supposed to meet outside of the bookstore on Mountain Lane at 10 in the morning. Everyone was there at ten in the morning, except Chris. Now this wasnt very much of a surprise at this point. Chris usually took extra time to get ready, but not this much. By now it was 10:20 and Chris still hadn't arrived. Everyone was getting anxious and wanted to leave, so Reece decided he would call Chris and see how much longer he would be.


"Hey Chris, its Reece, everyone is wondering where you are?"

"Im in a cab five minutes away, my car wouldnt start."

"See you then, bye."

'He is going to be here in five minutes, he said his car wouldn't start,' Reece told to the rest of the group. 

Just as Chris said, he was there five minutes later.

"Sorry guys, I didnt think I would be this late," Chris apologized as the rest of the group got up from the table they were sitting at and started walking towards him.

Since it was already mid-morning, everyone decided they were going to go into Kickster Café and get a quick snack before heading on their way.

Snacks were eaten, drinks were drank, and legs were ready to walk.

"Where you guys wanna go first?" Barclay asked.

'I wasn't planning on it, but the palace isnt to far away from here. We could walk over there and take some pictures first. Is that cool?' Kaela answered.

'Yeah, lets go.' 'Yeah.' 'Sure.' 'Why not?' 

'Its decided. We're going to the palace.' Naomi stated.


Do I even need to tell you who was ecstatic that they might see Queen Alanna? No, but I will anyways. It was Chris. Good ol' Chris Leonard. He has good intentions, I promise.

As the group started walking on their way towards the palace, they all started talking. All ten of them hadn't hung out with everyone else in a couple of months, so they all needed to catch up. Jake was telling them how he had gotten all exclusive V.I.P. passes to an Ed Sheeran concert and how he even got to meet and have a conversation with Ed. Casey was telling them how he went to an African festival and got to ride an elephant. Everyone told some stories, but those were the most interesting of them.

Out of all ten people, Chris just happened to be the person to spot the palace first. I guess this shouldn't be a surprise though, saying as he was the person who was most excited to go there by a longshot. By the time that the group had arrived at the outskirts of the palace, the morning was over. 

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