Chapter 7

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Present day.

"Uncle Alfie I am sorry but so far it doesn't sound like Uncle Theo stole you away." I said watching Theo smirk at him. "Well it sounds like he just told you how he feels and then one thing led to another, you dumped Sofia and made the best decision ever by picking Theo?"

"Well Emily I think your uncle Theo and I remember the story slightly differently but regardless you're right. I did make the right decision and my life here with you lot and little Leya proves that so let's drop that story now huh?" Uncle Alfie asked.

I felt like he was only asking to drop it now because the story had gone in the favour of Theo over him and looking at the smirk on my dad's faces and Theo's I was right. I loved Uncle Alfie though so I dropped it and we finished our food in silence, with the occasional smirk between myself and Theo.

We were just about to pack up and leave the restaurant when the sheriff came in and asked to speak to Theo. Theo wasn't a policeman he was an electrician so I was really intrigued and I wondered what he had done wrong. I heard Alfie ask aloud the same question and warn Theo that he better not have had another parking ticket.

Theo brushed off the questions with a shrug seems he didn't know either but the sheriff asked him to come back to the station anyway, saying he would explain there. Theo went with, his face was like stone and I could make out no emotion in it. However I looked around and the adults seemed weird and worried about this. Surely whatever it was it wasn't serious, maybe the sheriff just needed some work done at the station and wanted to hire Theo's company?

Theo left and we watched him get into the cruiser and we all filed into our own cars. I put in my ear phones knowing that my dad's wouldn't talk about it if they thought I was listening. So I put them in but didn't turn it on, I just occasionally nodded my head and moved my lips in pretence. After a few minutes I heard them whispering about it being the 20th anniversary of the murder of Nana Helen's sister and her husband.

You see in America when they say life they mean life. Taking someone's life requires one in return so most prisoners over here do a whole life sentence. Uncle Theo told me that in England life is different and most people who kill someone barely reach twenty years in prison. So if that's the case maybe the anniversary has reminded Theo that his brother is serving time, or that he is due to get out or even did something again and has had his time extended.

Maybe Nana just wants him to go with her to England to see their graves, put some flowers down and make sure they're doing ok? I know this sounds really bad but I hope that if they go to England they'll take me, I've always wanted to go to Europe. I will ask Theo when I see him and until then keep my fingers crossed.

Things seemed unsettled for the next few days. The grown-ups came and went continuously, my dad's watched Leya and Theo and Alfie came for tea a lot and they sat in a huddle whispering together while I was made to watch Leya. If they caught me looking, one of my dad's would ask if we needed a drink or a snack like I was five too. It wasn't annoying at all. By the end of the week though the tension amongst them all was high and I felt like we were all huddled together all of the time.

Theo and Alfie spent a lot of time at Uncle Elliot's too, I heard something about him being a big guy, trained and protection but I had no idea who needed protecting? As a family we were extremely close but I had never spent this much time with them all, it was beginning to feel cramped and I needed some time alone.

I had been told I had to come straight home from school and that meant no Jorge. I didn't get to invite him for dinner and to make sure I did as I was told at least one of them was waiting outside my school every day to pick me up. I was becoming very closed in. I had strict parents but this was another level! When I asked them what was going on they said nothing to worry me about but they just wanted to keep me safe. They used the recent attacks in schools as an excuse but I knew something else was going on because this only happened since Theo went to talk to the Sheriff.

I loved my family and because of this despite them being strict I respected this and I tended to be good for them. I need to remind you though that I am nearly fifteen, I have a boyfriend and I need my space. So I am not proud to admit this but I am currently sneaking out of my window to go and see Jorge. I have been texting and face-timing him but it's not the same, I need to see him and so for the first time I am breaking the rules. Not going to lie it doesn't feel good but I need some space!

The night turned out to be awesome, being a teenager breaking the rules actually turned out to be fun. Jorge made me some nachos and we watched a movie, had some cuddles and a kiss then I left. Walking home thinking about the night my mind was in the clouds, I wasn't being the responsible teenager I had been brought up to be but so what! I had loved tonight and I would deal with the consequences of my actions when I got home. They'd ground me, take away my phone but I had warned Jorge of this and to be honest I felt like I had been in prison last couple of weeks anyway. Grounding wouldn't change that feeling!

Consequences however were about to come to me sooner than I thought they would. 

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