Chapter 6

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The next few weeks went pretty much the same way. Charlie trying to convince me to hang out with them and me replacing Elliot as the broody teenager in the house, who just wants to hide in my bedroom and be left the hell alone.

Being in America got harder not easier. I missed my parents more not less. Christmas was a killer and fortunately they left me to it and I spent the majority of it either in my room or wandering the streets. They were trying, I understood that. It was my first Christmas without my parents and I just couldn't cope watching Charlie being fawned on by his own. It wasn't their fault, they're allowed to celebrate but damn... it all cut deep, you know?

In a few weeks I'd be starting school, hopefully it would take my mind off everything. I mean it sucks that I have to go back, I thought I'd escaped that place forever. Just one thing was making me shake it all off though and embrace it, that cute kid Alfie. Getting to know him better would definitely be fun and if I had to go back to school again I might as well make it fun!

What's funny is I didn't want any of this, I had fully intended to lock myself away forever more. Wait for the inheritance to come through then find some college miles away from anyone and start again. Somewhere where no one knew who I was. Half of this had happened, no one in America knew who I was, but I had family here... sort of. I had to look at Helen all of the time and see my mother in her. Elsie changed all that, her words still resonated and now that I had met Alfie something in me found I was actually beginning finally thaw.

First day of school came round fast and as I've never started a new school since I was 11, I wasn't expecting much from the day. I already knew they were all in their final year, they were close and I was this strange British kid. Everyone had mobiles and could work them, so by lunch everyone knew who I was and what my brother had done. Thankfully my appearance wasn't that of your typical seventeen year old and I am sure kids here aren't allowed to go and cover themselves with tattoos during the school year. This kind of made me look intimidating and nobody bothered to check, so I didn't bother to correct them.

Charlie told me Alfie was in the grade below so he wasn't in any of my classes. I didn't see him at lunch, apparently he spent it with the giggling girl from the party. I didn't see him until the walk home. I was supposed to get the bus but I needed some time on my own so I walked. The walk took me past the park and I heard her before I saw them. Look I don't mind girls, yeah I'm gay but I have nothing against them but giggling. It was a skate park so her laugh echoed off the walls and bounced off my spine making me shiver.

When she saw me I got a filthy look, I expected it. I wasn't stopping to see her though so I smirked and walked past to say hi to Alfie. I watched from the pavement as he worked some serious moves on his board. Maybe I would take up skating after all.

"Why you here, aren't you Charlie and Domingo's age. Shouldn't you be hanging with them?" she asked from behind me.

"Worried?" I smirked.

"Why would I be worried, Alfie loves me? Besides he's taking me to prom so we aren't staying, he's coming back to mine so we can start planning." She smiled back flicking her hair.

I laughed at that and she just looked at me questioningly. "I was walking home, I happened to pass the park and heard your incessant giggling. I decided to see if he was any good, after his hour long monologue about skating at the party. Besides..." I said dragging the word out..." I wouldn't count on prom, June is a long way away yet."

I gave her my best smirk and walked away just as Alfie started walking towards us. I gave him a salute and continued on my way feeling slightly bad at the bitching she would give him, even if he hadn't been there. I was aware I was being 'mean' but I didn't care, it was an outlet and I didn't expect anything to come of it really, so it was harmless.

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