Chapter 9

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Warning; the end of this chapter might make you tear up.

Mal was at the enchanted lake, just thinking about what Dude said. She didn't think he knew about her supposed feelings for Carlos. Maybe she was too obvious, or maybe because Dude isn't a regular dog.

Why would Dude tell him? She didn't want him to know before she could figure out if she did like him or not. She was confused about her feelings for Carlos and if he feels the same way.

She didn't want to ruin her friendship with him by telling him how she feels because he means everything to her. If they stopped being friends, then the Core 4 would be divided.

"Mal, are you okay?" She heard a voice behind her, but she didn't move towards him at all because she was worried about his reaction.

"I'm fine." Mal said, after a couple of minutes. He was sitting next to her and she was wondering what he was thinking. Probably what his dog said.

"Is it true about what Dude said?" He asked her, curious because no one reacts like that for no reason.

"No." She lied. "It's not true." He raised an eyebrow and put his hand on her shoulder. He was hurt, but at the same time, he knew she was lying. "Mal," He said, softly, but still enough where she could hear him.

"Hmm." She said, still not looking at him.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked as she nodded.

"I like you, as more than a friend." Her eyes widened, before she turned her head to look at him. His chocolate brown eyes immediately met hers since he was already looking at her.

"Really?" He nodded, smiling.

They were so close to each other, it only took a second before they kissed. It was soft, warm and just amazing. Fireworks went off and soon, they pulled away, but still looked at each other.

"I'm assuming you just said that because you were worried about my reaction." Mal nodded, looking away.

"Hey," He said, putting his hand on the side of her face, so she would look at him. "Mal, it's okay. I've been nervous about telling you the same thing. We are friends and I didn't want to ruin that, but I do want to give us a try." He said, more confident than Mal has ever seen before.

She remembered when they were younger and he was always worried about receiving one of his mother's lectures because in Cruella's eyes, Carlos was a failure-always has been and always would be to her-and he was always doing whatever she wanted him to do all the time.

He was never really allowed to have friends because Cruella believed that he was a follower, never had much confidence in him and believed that he was weak, but he was none of that. Because of that, he was always happy whenever he could get away from her, especially when he knew he wouldn't have to see her again shortly after he knew that he and his friends were attending Auradon.

Shortly before the 4 of them left, they were talking with their parents and when maleficent told the other 3 adults that their children were going Auradon, his mom said, "they aren't taking my Carlos. I would miss him too much," which made Carlos hopeful that she did love him-because he really just wanted his mother to love him like a mother would love her child-but his hope quickly faded when she asked who would do all the things she demanded him to do if he wasn't there?

Mal knew that his mother would never change-she was villain and her name literally means, "Cruel Devil"-and would never change her perspective on her son. It makes the fearless purple haired daughter of maleficent/unofficial leader of the core 4 angry and sad at the same time. How dare she treat her son so horrible?!??

Sudden Feelings | MarlosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora