They were our back-ups. They weren't the best players but were still pretty good.  "Shirts versus skins. Connor, Erik, Jonah, Eddie, Damian and Casey; you're shirts. Ethan, Oliver, Adam, Ricky, Matt and Lucas; Skins," Coach ordered.  Everyone's eyes, including my own, fell on Lucas.

He looked around, worry seeping through his normally blocked off expression. The other five boys on the skins team took their shirts off.  "Coach, can I please switch with someone on shirts?"

Lucas asked.  "There ain't any special treatment given here, fairy. You wanna be part of the team then you follow the rules.

You're skins. Shirt off," Coach barked.  I looked at Coach skeptically. He could be a bit of a southern hick sometimes. He could have a narrow mind, but I wasn't sure if he was doing this to mess with Lucas for his own sick amusement, or if he was genuinely a dumbass and didn't realize what was going on.  "Coach-," I started and was stopped immediately. 

"No one asked you to talk, Thompson," he said.  "It's fine," Lucas said, instantly defusing the situation a bit. I had watched Lucas enough in high school to know what he was like.

He was stubborn and although he obviously went through a huge change in the last couple of years, I was about to see that that didn't alter the basis of his personality at all. 

With a passive expression he grabbed hold of the hem of his shirt before pulling it over his head, revealing his naked torso. The stubborn side of him made him stand there and not move. He wanted to be on this team and would do what he had to to stay, even if it meant doing something he really didn't want to.

In that moment I saw how strong he was.  Despite the ridicule that was sure to come and despite the fact that he was practically being forced to do this, he kept calm, but I could see in his eyes he was anything but calm. They were glistening with tears and if someone didn't do something, or if people kept just staring at him, then he was about thirty seconds away from a breakdown. 

I had been staring at his face but my curiosity got the better of me and I looked down. His chest was flat, but where his breasts should have been, there were two long, faded scars.

That wasn't what caught my eye the most though, it was the huge scar on his upper arm on the inside. I had no clue what that one was from. 

"That's demented," Ethan laughed from behind me.  This wasn't cool at all. This was just not on. I felt like I needed to do something. I looked to Eddie, Casey and Erik who were closest to me. I had an idea.  "Take your shirts off," I told them quietly.

They all gave me confused looks.  "Just do it," I whispered. I was first. I took my shirt off and tossed it at Coach, getting his attention. He looked to me, and so did the others, the focus momentarily off of Lucas.  "What are you doing?" Coach asked. 

"I wanna be on the skins team," I said with a shrug.  Next was Eddie, taking his shirt off and tossing it on the ground. Casey, always the one to want to get naked, took his off too, and so did Erik. Coach's face went bright red, full of rage. I glanced at Lucas, a small smile appearing on his face.

A tear ran down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away before anyone could see.  "Well you can't all be skins!" Coach shouted.  "Why not?" I asked like this made complete sense.  "Put your shirts back on or you're benched for the rest of practice," Coach said. I stood there, unmoving. The other three followed my lead. The rest of the team thought this was the funniest thing ever. They thought I was just screwing with Coach. 

"That's it, the four of you, benched," he snarled, "Dan and Chris! You're up!"  Dan and Brett, who had been sitting on the bench got up, jogging back over to the team. Coach turned to Lucas.  "Put your shirt back on, Princess," he said. The term 'Princess' was something he used for all of us on numerous occasions.

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