chapter 3

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I stood on the soccer field with the rest of my teammates, stretching before Coach got here to start practice. We were all off in one group, the only lone person being Lucas , standing a little bit away, juggling the ball around on each foot, making sure it didn't hit the ground.

I could really tell how much talent he had just by watching him do that. It made me feel a little threatened.  I watched him while half paying attention to the others. He was given a uniform and wore it now.

It was red, which had me feeling nostalgic because it was the same color as the girl's team uniform from when we were in high school.

When his back was turned I could have mistaken him for Ana. Then again, he was Ana. This was still messing with my head.  "I wonder if they're gay or straight," Ethan spoke a little louder than everyone else.

My gaze had still been on Lucas. I saw him falter, dropping the ball. He glanced over at the group for only a second before starting again.

Me, sitting on the ground, looked up at Ethan.  "I think you're a moron," I said with a sigh. I was already done with this bullshit. I was sick of hearing about the speculation.

It was like no one had anything better to talk about.  "Ooh, getting defensive of your crush, hm?" he asked. Panic rose in me.

My eyes darted to Lucas, hoping he hadn't heard it. If he did then he did a good job hiding it. Next I glared at Casey and Eddie. One of them must have told. Actually, it could have been a few of the others guys. I never really kept my crush on Ana a secret from them in high school. Ethan however was never in my group of friends at that stage. 

"No," I said calmly, "You're just, like I said, a moron,"  "Whatever," he muttered, not willing to go against me in front of the others, "Anyway, I reckon they're gay," 

"Why?" one of the other guys, Ricky, asked.  "Because, when that thing was Ana, she dated guys, so...they're like a guy now, right? So they're still into guys, Or...or straight, because they're technically a girl," Ethan frowned, looking confused at his own theories.

I stood up from the ground, dusting myself off.  "You know, you seem awfully interested in whether they're gay or not. Looking to get lucky?"

I asked. His face contorted into disgust as a few others snickered.  "Ugh, gross, that's just so wrong on so many level," he said.

I had to admit I kind of enjoyed his discomfort.  "Where do you think his boobs went?" another teammate, Ricky cut in. Ethan looked relieved that the focus was off him again. I rolled my eyes.  "Maybe she cut 'em off while PMSing," Ethan laughed, and so did a few of the others, "Oh dude, do you think she still gets a period?"  "You are literally so stupid," I snapped, getting a little more fired up than before.

I knew Lucas could hear. They were talking too loudly and now I was getting annoyed. I barely even knew Lucas but I kind of wanted to punch Ethan in the face because of this.

I would have too but I knew he'd win in a fight against me. He was taller, more built. He went to the gym and did weights; I didn't.  "Calm down, Loverboy," he grinned slyly.

I didn't want this to be some sort of new joke on me where they all tease me for someone I used to have a crush on. I didn't want this false information getting around about me. I could seriously just hit him.  Thankfully the conversation ended there though when Coach arrived on the field.

The team all stood, facing him, and Lucas came closer but still stood a little away from us with a hard expression on his face. I didn't blame him either. Everyone was picking on him like we were in kindergarten.  "Alright, today we're gonna do six a side. Dan and Brett, you're subs, you're benched," Coach said, pointing at the two boys.

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