Chapter 1

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"Get out you little useless piece of shit! You disrespectful fuck! Out of my sight!" And so he did. He ran into his room, slamming the door and locking it. He slid down the wall, and took the pocket knife out of his boot. He placed the blade to the soft skin on his wrist, and pushed down, pulling. He counted. 'One.' And he remembered what happened at first. 'Two.' What happened that ruined his life. 'Three.' Too much blood. Too much to see, and handle. Too much in life.


"No! Mooooooom~ Give it back!~" Smiling, Carla held the cookie her son had been nibbling on before, above, where he couldn't reach. "Nope. Give me a hug first Eren.~" She giggled, and Christa ran over to them. She held onto her mother's leg, to try to slow her down. "Aaah!~ No!~ Two! Oh my! No.... I'll be overwhelmed!~" Christa giggled, and Eren finally snatched the cookie away from his playful mother. "Ha! Got it! Thanks Christa!"

Their mother looked at them, still smiling. The 13 year old Eren, and the 11 year old Christa. She loved them with all her heart, and she would never, ever, stop. But there was a slight problem. She was sick, very sick. She picked up Christa, and hugged her tightly. "Moooom.~ You're squishing me.~" Carla laughed again, and put her daughter down. Eren started jumping up and down. "Let's go over to the pond! Race you guys there!"

And he took off running down the slight hill, both girls following him. Carla ran next to her daughter, knowing she was running slowly so she could keep up. Suddenly, she felt a pang in her heart. She slowed down, and breathed heavily. "Mom? Mom! Eren! Come back! Something's wrong with mother!" Carla fell down, and her daughter kneeled next to her. "Mom? Calm down. Breath. In... Out... In... Out..."

Eren ran back, seeing his mother in the ground, his sister trying to calm her down. "Mom?! What's wrong?! Mom?! Ugh! I'll go get da-!" Carla started coughing badly, coughing up some blood. Her children next to her, she smiled a loving smile towards them. "...Don't worry *cough! cough!* I'll be okay. You guys calm down, and be happy." She suddenly felt her heart slow down drastically. "Live a happy life, find someone to love, and remember me happy... Promise me. Promise me, that when you find that person, you won't give them up, no matter what."

The two children shook their heads. "I promise mom." Christa looked at her older brother. "I promise too, mommy." Carla nodded, and closed her eyes, knowing it would be the last time she saw her lovely children. The sparks in her life. The sunshines in her stormy sky's. The color of her rainbow. The swords in her battle...

~End of Flashback~

Eren's POV

All the pain. The emotions slipping past, being replaced by pain. And then, I was in a forest. Just trees around, no birds, just big ass trees, fucking everywhere. Everywhere you looked, there were the trees. Suddenly, I heard a twig snap. Looking around, I saw a shadow. It was a hungry, adult bear. It hurtled towards me, charging, it's claw armed paws slapping to the ground, it's teeth bared, sharp as needles.

And I just stood there. Another person would've ran. Another froze in place, and another just screamed their lungs out. But not me. I could move, I just chose not to. I never knew why I did that. I just welcomed the thought of dying. Of finally being free of the problems in this world. Of finally letting go, of my trapped soul. Of joining my mother.

I heard a sound behind me, right as the bear swiped for my face. It missed, somehow. I sat down, my legs too weak to hold me up anymore. Then another shadow moved in the corner of my vision. It was fast, it's speed unrivaled by the bear. It charged at the bear. 'Stupid.' I thought. The shadow was stupid for risking it's life for someone who wanted to die, and not cause any more damage. It was so stupid. But still, it fought on, without a second thought.

My Enemy To Love {Ereri/Riren}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu