Big Man On Campus

16 0 0

April 2002

This college thing definitely had some sweet advantages that Dean had not been fully able to appreciate before getting some first-hand experience. He was watching two of them walk by now, giggling and whispering, as they threw what they seemed to think were discreet glances in his direction.

"Ladies," he greeted them as they passed where he was standing, leaning up against the Impala, waiting for Sam to finish his last class for the day. He lifted his sunglasses so he could give them a wink to go along with the sly smile. "Mmm mmm" he hummed, watching them walk away, "Cali has got some fine scenery." If he had known, he'd have come sooner.

Sam's first spring break home had been a busy affair, cluttered with family gatherings during which Mary had been able to monopolize most of the time of her wayward son. That was pretty much what had lead Dean to suggesting that he drive Sam back to school rather than Sam taking a plane. The road trip had been awesome, just the two of them, arguing over the music, swapping stories, pulling pranks, just being brothers again in a way that Dean hadn't realized how much he had missed. The time had passed much too quickly.

The plan had been for Dean to stay a couple of days and then head back to Kansas. That had been over a week ago, and he showed no signs of heading out any time soon. For one thing, he was having way too much fun. His good looks, bad-boy demeanor, and sweet ride were attracting an enviable amount of female attention, and he had bonded quickly with Sam's friends, especially when it had been discovered that he was of legal age to buy the beer. He was eating up the attention like apple pie.

The other thing was, Sam didn't seem to be having any ever. He had slipped back into type A. college student mode almost the second they had hit the campus and Dean had ached at the sudden loss of the carefree playfulness they had shared on the road.

He spent his days, while Sam was in classes, cruising around, enjoying the attention that a fully restored classic muscle car could attract and exploring various adult playgrounds, and his evenings trying to goad Sam into the occasional break for a little R and R. With his attempts unsuccessful he had postponed his departure for a day, and then another. Now the brothers had settled into a familiar routine and an unspoken agreement that Dean would leave when he left and not before.

"Sammy!" he yelled, waving his hand to catch Sam's attention when he'd emerged from the building, towering over the crowd of other students that pushed through the double doors.

Sam rolled his eyes as he crossed the distance to the car with long purposeful strides. Did Dean really think there was any chance that Sam could have missed him? That car was well known on campus now, and Dean himself was becoming the subject of some speculative gossip that ranged from mildly scandalous to entirely outlandish. Sam was frowning when he arrived, "It's Sam." he huffed, "and could you not yell? You're going to have the whole school calling me that."

"Yeah, yeah," Dean conceded, "Get in the car. School's out."

"So," he continued, once they were settled inside, "I found this drive in today. The burgers, freakin' awesome." He turned the key. "I figure we can hit it for dinner, and then..."

"Dean," Sam cut him off, "Finals, remember? Do we really have to have this conversation every day? I'm glad you're having fun. I am, but you're going to have to have it without me. I have to study."

"OK, OK," Dean grumbled, "But you're allowed to take time off to eat, right?"

"Yeah, we can go eat, but then you take me straight to the library. I mean it, Dean. Not like last night, no side trips, no pool halls, no strip clubs, deal?"

"How are we even related?"


"Yeah, all right, deal." he snapped. "We'll just save it all up for your birthday. Make an epic, all-day event of it."

They lapsed into silence as Sam seemed to be thinking of a way to answer.

"What?" Dean prodded, "Don't tell me you weren't even planning to take your birthday off."

Sam shifted uncomfortably, "No, it's just, that's still over a week away. I didn't realize you planned to be around that long is all."

"So you're telling me to get lost." Dean turned his head to give his brother an accusing look.

"What? No." a horn blared, "Dean! Eyes, road, road!"

"Crap!" Dean shot his eyes back front and got the car back between the lines.

"Dean, of course, I want you here." Sam ventured once they'd calmed from the excitement. "It's been great. I just didn't figure you could get away that long. You've got work. You've got a family."

"I've got family right here, Sam." Dean snapped, then continued more gently, "I'm worried about you, man. You're gonna burn yourself out."

"I'm fine." Sam insisted.

"You're really not." Dean cut the wheel to pull into the drive-in. It was a 50s style retro place and he couldn't help but enjoy the way the Impala fit into the environment.

The food was every bit as good as Dean had promised, and by the time they were finishing, they were both in a better mood, despite Sam's disapproval of the way Dean had been chatting up the car hop.

"What about the garage?" Sam asked as he gathered up burger wrappers and uneaten fries.

"Perks of being a partial owner, Sammy. I can set my own schedule."

Sam knew what John would have to say to that, but didn't voice it. "OK, well, what about Brenda? Is she all right with you being away that long?"

It was Dean's turn to shift uncomfortably. "Um, yeah, about that, not really an issue anymore."

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