Baby Love

26 0 0

July 1999

The Impala slid smoothly into the driveway. Sam cut the engine and glanced over at Dean, inviting his approval. "Perfect landing, Sammy," Dean said, more impressed than he would allow his expression to show. He gave Sam a clap on the shoulder, silently trying to remember just when it was that his "little" brother had gotten taller than him, now all gangly limbs and awkward presence, as if the poor kid didn't always know just where to put all of himself.

The doors creaked as they exited the vehicle. "Dean really," Sam observed, "WD 40, a little squirt on each side." as he moved to retrieve the supplies Mary had sent them after.

"Oh yeah," the elder brother snarked back, "you're going to tell me how to look after a car." Sam laughed softly at the brotherly banter as he reached into the backseat for the bags and soda cases.

Dean already had his hands full, literally. Brenda had come out of the house and rushed to the driveway to throw her arms around his neck and kiss him warmly. "I missed you." she mock pouted.

"Missed me? Babe, we've been gone for like, twenty minutes." He threw an arm over her shoulder to usher her back towards the door. "You're getting to be a little high maintenance, you know that?" he teased giving her a little squeeze.

She moved her hand to gently rest on her stomach, which was beginning to plump, just a little bit. "Well then," she amended, "we missed you."

"Hey Dean," Sam called pulling cargo from the back seat, "You guys should plan on staying for dinner. Mom said to get two bags of buns." Straightening up, his arms loaded, he turned to see the couple locked in another embrace and an enthusiastic kiss. Dean held out one hand, thumbs up, to indicate that he had heard.

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