Virgil X Fem Reader (Highschool Au)

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My parent's both walked me into school and took me to the principals office, I was so anxious, I had never truly been in a school before, I was home schooled up until now! My parent's noticed how introverted I was and decided that If I was to ever make it in the world then I better start interacting more..

I got fidgety in the office while my parent's were talking so I subconsciously started playing with the first thing I saw, the light switch, turning it off and on "Ugh- this isn't gonna work!" The principal said in a disgusted tone "Another anxious introverted kid at our school?- I really don't know-" My parent's got out their check book and started writing numbers down until the principal was satisfied "She is gonna love it here!" The principal sat back down.

"She's going to need a guide" My father spoke up. The principal agreed, getting on the PA system and speaking directly to it "Will Virgil Sanders come to the principals office? Virgil Sanders to the principals office. " We both then walked out to say goodbye to my parents. We got to the drinking fountain and waited for whoever Virgil was.

"Virgil! I want you to meet our new student, Y/n L/n!" The principal introduced me while I was looking at my feet, not wanting to interact at all. "I need a responsible, never take chances type to keep an eye on her and who better than you?- The safe kid!" The kid backed away "What?! no- no no- I am completely wrong for this! I am a misunderstood bad boy!" he crossed his arms.

The principal pinched his cheek "You're adorable!" He teased. "Now I'm off to the ice cream shop!" The principal then waltzed away with the given check from my parents "Daddy's getting all fifty two flavors!" Virgil groaned as the Principal left both him and me to wander around the school.

Virgil took me around the school, showing me around the classrooms and explaining where things are like; the bathrooms and the gym and the place where we have assemblies, all very helpful things to know. "Thanks for showing me around, safe kid" I muttered "What?!- No! Look, whatever you've heard about me isn't true!"

"I don't know where people get the idea that I'm so safe- Oh watch your step, loose tile." Virgil put his arm in front of me to keep me from walking "It's ridiculous!- Careful" He closed a locker door that was wide open, stopping me from knocking into it. "You wear a helmet in the gym shower one time and you're labelled for life!" Virgil exclaimed "oh-" He put his arm in front again "broken glass" I looked to the ground and stepped around it.

"Frankly- I like taking risks and would welcome a little danger in my life!" Virgil muttered just as someone charged at us at full speed on a horse, barely missing us. Virgil hid behind me swiftly "What the heck was that?!" He screamed. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction "Hah! Heh-- I thought you wanted a little danger!" I snickered.

"Who the heck even was that?!" Virgil took both me and him to chase after the horse guy "Who are you?!" He screamed out, the horse guy jumped off the horse and landed in front of us. "Hey Virgil, who's this?" The guy asked "Roman?! You almost squished us with your horse!" Roman chuckled "Calm down, safe boy!" Virgil fumed "Whatever- T- This is Y/n." He pushed me in front of him and I was frozen. 

"Y/n, aye?" Roman grabbed my hand and went to kiss it when Virgil pulled me away "I- Ew! That gesture can give a great deal of bacteria- You don't want that do you? She doesn't want that- Bye Roman!" Virgil took me again and stormed off with a heavy blush on his cheeks. Virgil dragged me underneath a big tree which towered over us "Are you okay?" I asked him finally "Y-Yeah, I'm doing great!" He breathed heavily.

"Are you sure?" He nodded his head "You seem really cool.. Would you mind if I stuck with you at break?" I asked him "u-Uh- Sure!" he smiled widely, his teeth showing as sweat rolled down his face "Thanks.." I smiled back at him "D-do you have a t-t-t-time table?" I shook my head and he picked me back up again to go get one. 

We went to the front office and asked if they could print a paper one off for me, they finished printing and handed it back to me, It was warm. "O-oh co-c-cool- you're in my class" Virgil said "Really? That's lucky.." I mutter to myself "Yeah.. D- Would- I-" He shuts his mouth "Hmm?" I questioned "Nothing- It's stupid." Virgil looks away from me.

"Would you want to come to my house?" Virgil asked me "u- yeah!" I got excited "I hope you won't mind but um.. I've got seven brothers" Virgil grinned nervously "Really? Are- Are they nice?" Virgil nodded his head hesitantly "Well, the 'horse guy' is one of them, Roman." I nodded "I can tell you that at least five of them are nice! Two aren't the best but- It'll be fine." Virgil reassured me.



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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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