Chapter 1: The Cornered Wolf

Start from the beginning

"Defiant even in the face of defeat, you are a wolf indeed."   Apollyon stated as she lifted her foot off (Y/n)'s hand and kicked away the blade before he even had the forethought to reach for it.

"Bring him with us, he is to be kept alive." Apollyon stated calmly as she turned and led the two guards carrying (Y/n) away. 

"No release me! You evil woman!"  (Y/n) growled at Apollyon, He fought the Blackstone guards attempting desperately to escape.

"Evil? Is that what you think I am, Warden? No, I am the one who will fix us and return us to how we once were. Truely strong, all of us." 

Apollyon responded spinning around to face him walking forward battle mask in his face it's menacing glare unchanged.

"I have seen your methods Warlord. You would see those who oppose you as the weak of mankind killed and tortured, and sapped of all strength. Whilst those who are cruel and bloodthirsty are your pawns, I will not become one of your lapdogs." (Y/n) stated, his voice strong and stoic challenging her authority.

The Blackstones surrounding the two warriors held an uncertain aura watching the two stare at each other challenging the other to fight, to make the first move.

A moment of unsure silence passed, until Apollyon chuckled.

"I am not giving you a choice, wolf." Apollyon turned and walked off the Blackstone soldiers taking a moment to shrug off the tension between the two enemies before following their master.


"How fares the prisoner?" Apollyon questioned one the guards who followed her to her right whilst another followed her to her left.

"He still hasn't said anything since capture master." The Blackstone guard responded making Apollyon let out a hum of interest.

Been a while since someone refused to talk, then again she didn't take many prisoners...

"Open the door. I wish to speak with him." 

The Blackstone guard opened the door for his master she walked passed them and went into the room seeing the Warden who's wrist were chained to the ceiling his head slumped dried blood on his lips.

"Do you not talk because you believe you are a warrior, Wolf?" Apollyon asked pacing the room flipping a knife and catching it effortlessly, not looking away from (Y/n)'s slumped form.


"Speak up wolf."


"Hm, Fine then." 

Apollyon threw her arm back and placed the blade into (Y/n)'s side making the man yell out in agony suprising the Blackstone guards they were just beating on him before they weren't expecting that, (Y/n) gasped and panted as blood slowly leaked from his side.

Slowly Apollyon lifted (Y/n)'s chin with her finger the sharp end of the armor on her finger lightly scratching into his skin.

"You will bleed out, But not until I have no more use of you. If you truly are strong." She said as she watched (Y/n) bleed. 

"Why are you doing this?" (Y/n) asked wearily 

"Because you are my prized trophy, you are MY wolf." Apollyon answered as she walked away, right as she stopped at the dungeon door she turned and looked at him. 

"Save your strength my wolf...if you are smart." She said as she walked off.

The guards closed the dungeon door and locked it as (Y/n) passed out.

(Y/n) woke with a jump wincing at the pain in his side, how long had he been out? Surely not long, any longer and he would have been dead. Looking around (Y/n) examined his surroundings, a dark room, one window with bars of course, shackles connected to chain holding him up to his feet. (one in which was interestingly damaged), also the knife in his side lovingly left there by Apollyon.


He had to escape, or die by her hand. His only chance at a proper fight was his longsword and armor. He had to find those aswell.

With a grunt he yanked at his right shackle the metal creaking barely. He tried again. Then again until the metal snapped loudly making him wince at the loud disturbance in the empty silent and very dark room. 

"What was that?

'The guards oh shit.' (Y/n) thought whilst starting to panic.

Slowly the lock on the door was unlocked, (Y/n) eyes widened as he quickly lifted his arm back up hiding the loose chain.

'Here's hoping they don't have lanterns.'

Slowly the door opened but luckily not enough to light up his wrists as two figures walked into the room. Taking a look around one guard rolled his eyes.

"The fool is asleep lets go." The guard said tired. With a shrug the other started to follow until they heard a light rattle of metal they both turned around and saw (Y/n) still. Slowly they walked forward only a few feet away as they tried to see through the darkness.

Quickly (Y/n) reached down grabbing the sword out of soldier's sheath and kicking him away then throwing his arm to the left slitting the others throat. Quickly (Y/n) sliced off the other shackle and was able to stab the other guard before he could run for help.

Adrenaline wearing off (Y/n) dropped the sword he was holding and reached for the knife in his side and gripped the handle wincing at the slight pain, (Y/n) took a deep breath and pulled the blade out. Gritting his teeth at the searing pain he gripped the knife in one hand and held the sword in the other.

Slowly (Y/n) tried to sneak through the castle stabbing some soldiers and slitting other's throats as quietly as possible trying desperately to find the exit of the castle, He had to move carefully however direct exits are a negative so he had to find an alternate way to escape.

After killing two guards (Y/n) suddenly fell to the ground and leaning against the wall as he suddenly got lightheaded.  After taking a moment to recuperate, (Y/n) spit some blood and sat up slowly and continued on checking every area and killing anyone who tried to stop him.

Finally after A few minutes of searching (Y/n) found a good window to leap from to reach the ground but a familiar figure had stopped her walk and stood in his way facing him, longsword in her right hand.

"Ah there you are my Wolf, suprising you managed to escape your guards with that knife in you." Apollyon complimented if that could be considered a sick form of a compliment.

"Well confinement can drive someone to rebel against their captures. And I refuse to be contained by Blackstones and their master." (Y/n) spat holding a defensive position.

"Come then, get past me and reach the freedom you so longingly desire." She responded secretly smiling in delight at the chance to make him her wolf. 

(Y/n) swung his sword which Apollyon easily countered and knocked the sword away as she backhanded him making him stumble and slowly get back up 

"Get out of my way Warlord!" (Y/n) growled out like an injured animal

"Hush my wolf and try to get past me...if you can." Apollyon responded lifting her hand making a 'come' gesture as (Y/n) stumbled forward black slightly clouding the outside edge of his vision.

"Get out of the way Warlord, I'll cut you down!" (Y/n) growled with anger as he stumbled closer. 

(Y/n) swung the knife at her as she dodged it effortlessly and elbowed him in the back making him fall to the ground. All his strength leaving him. He felt pathetic, discarded, and forgotten on the ground in his enemies castle.

"Disappointing, but there is improvement to be held. I will make you my wolf. It does not matter if you are willing or not." 

With that last statement heard by (Y/n), darkness swallowed his vision as he passed out on the stone floor of the Blackstone Legion's castle.

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