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 "Hey, baby, it's been a day now... It's time to take off the costume."

"...B-But I don't want to. I'm a shark!"

"Yes, you are, but if you don't wash it, then it-"

"I don't want to take it off!"

Jimin hardens his jaw, but swallows the growing desire to yell at the Little who is being so stubborn-

Namjoon, shark costume and all, bolts away when he has a chance while Jimin is putting the lid back on his boiling pot.


"Not now."

Jungkook pauses in his sentence, looking at the empty spot that Jimin seems to be burning holes into.

It wasn't supposed to be a very big deal. A couple hours? Sure. Until bedtime? Why not?

Overnight, through the next day, all the way until dinnertime?

That's sort of pushing it.


"You're going to stress yourself into Little Space, Namjoon," Seokjin hums, voice low. Namjoon crosses his arms. "It'll be fine."

"I just don't like knowing what I'll be wearing, that's all," he huffs back, hand itching to tune out his hyung with his earbuds.

"I'm sure whatever it is, it'll work out," Yoongi assures. "It's not like they would choose something we look horrible in, right?"

Well, that's true.

For their special performance, they get to wear animal costumes. Well, everyone but Jungkook. Once he saw the carrot costume, he'd ultimately called dibs.

Yoongi went with a squirrel while Seokjin with a hamster. Taehyung went with a form of a reptile, Jimin diving for the blue bear, and Hoseok claiming the rabbit. Namjoon had the final choice between a cat or a shark.

"What're you going to be, hyung?" Taehyung asks, adjusting his undershirt while his costume hangs at the waist. Namjoon shrugs. "Well, I think you'd be really cute as a shark."

Namjoon blushes.

"Okay," he says, taking the shark costume off the rack and humming, going to sit down and slip his legs in.

"Aw, hyung!" Jimin says. He's ready, with his blue hood over his head. "You're a shark, that's adorable."

"Um... Yeah." He huffs, pushing away his headspace. Just for a little bit. The performance isn't that long. Just a few hours, and he'll be distracted until it's over.

He gets the rest of his costume on, takes a deep breath, and gets ready to perform.


No one is sure if he slipped halfway through or not, but he's definitely little and, apparently, definitely a shark.

"Appa!" he yells, grabbing right onto Jimin. Jimin stumbles a little, already out of his costume. "'m a shark!" He makes a growling noise that Jimin assumes is supposed to be scary, but it ends up being cute instead.

"My baby shark, so scary!" he gasps, holding a hand to his chest with faux surprise. He drops it after a second, reaching out to slip Namjoon's shark hood off. "It's time to take it off, though, sweetheart-"

"No!" Namjoon whines out, drawing out the word as long as he can. "No, please, I don't want to yet, I'm a shark!" He grabs Jimin's arm and shakes it in desperation, hoping if he begs enough, he'll be able to wear it for longer.

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