Chapter 1

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I yawned.Quietly stepping out of my bed.The floor in my 4 year old house creaking as I stepped on the hard oak floor.It was cold on my feet.It was 3:00 AM.The quietness of Hawkins indiana rained over the house.The year was 1983.I yawned once more Mom was out at work I was home alone. I thought about going back to bed but...I just couldent quiet sleep and I also couldent put my finger on why I was up this late.I looked around the living room waiting for some noise to happen...I was out of luck.Quietly opening the door I stepped out on the warm lawn.The grass was sobbing wet but the concrete was warm.Then A noise could finally be heard.A noise what I wanted yes,was the noise I heard the noise I wanted no.It came from the woods,it seemed as if it was a gunshot.Maybe to a pop can or worse.I began to run towards the forest and I saw it.My jaw dropped as I stared silently at my dog Train.It was his bark that made the gunshot like noise. "C'mon buddy Mom will be home any minute it and will be pretty dang upset" I said to the huskey.We began to walk back to the house.Train walked to bed and his eyes shut and so did mine.I woke up again.This time at 7:23 AM.My mom cooked in the kitchen.The smell of sizzling bacon and fluffy waffles planted itself in my nose.I stod up "Good morning mom!" I said. "Morning honey" She replied.I walked to my room to change out of my pajamas from the previous night.I changed into an old harley davidson T-Shirt along with a pair of jeans and applied slight dabs of pomaid in my hair just to get it to the right were my hair parted.I set my blue eyes in the mirror one last time fixing my glasses.I let out a sigh and made my way to the kitchen.My plate was set and I plopped down in a seat. "Thanks mom" I said with a smile. "No problem Hun" my mom said.I finished breakfast and walked to the shed to grab my bike.I waved goodbye to my mom. "Goodbye sweetie love you be safe!" Mom said threw the front screen door.I peddled off into the small town of Hawkins.As I rode I saw drug stores,Mini Markets,Starcourt,and a bunch of buildings.

People waved hello to me as I rode by.6 kids on bikes rode by the front kid yelling for me to move.I didnt pay attention and me and the kid in the hat  colided both of us slamming into the ground that cause the 6 kids came to a hault. "ARE YOU KIDDING THAT BIKE...Is not damaged.Sorry I'm Dustin" The kid said putting his hand out for me to shake.I rubbed my rib with my other hand and shook the kid with a hats hand. "Okay?" The girl with brunet hair said. "She german or something?" I asked pointing to the girl. "No she just dosent have a huge vocabulary" The kid says. "By the way i'm Dustin" The kid said. "Nice to meet you" I said. "I'm Aidan" I said back. "That girl with brown hair we call her 11" Dustin said. "11?" I aske furrowing my eyebrows. "Yea well you can call her El" another kid said. "Thats Mike" Dustin said pointing to the kid that just spoke. "Lucas" Dustin said pointing to a kid with a red and white tank-top. "Max" Dustin said pointing to a red headed girl. "Did I forget anyone?" Dustin spoke. "Nope" Everyone replied.The sprinklers in a yard came on and spraid me in the face.Everything in that moment froze.Literatley.The water was at a hault.So was to whole town exept for me.I furrowed my eyebrows and moved out of the way.The whole world was frozen.Then everything resumed.I looked around. "Does anybody feel...weird?" I asked. "No" Mike said. "Uhm funny" I said. This heat was messing with my head big time.Some boy rode up in a mustang kinda car slamming on his breaks when he saw me.

"Oh god!" Max said. "Well well well,look who little maxy is hangin' out with" The teenage boy said.Well he looked about in his early twentys but I couldent tell. "Leave me and my freinds alone Billy!" Billy,Billy,Billy.The name scrambled threw my head.I've heard the name before. "Who's this kid?" Billy asked pointing at me. "Aidan" Max said her voice sounding stirn like a tone i've only ever heard in my mother after  a long day at work.I ran my hands threw my now messy brown hair from the 97 deggree heat. "You fit in fine with these losers...Aidan" When Billy said my name I automaticly flipped around. "Listen...Dude" I said getting in Billy's face. "They did nothing to you and neither did I now I advise you go away!" I said my voice striking like late night thunder. "Am I clear" I said once more.Billy shoved me and I hit my back on the concrete. "BIlLLY STOP!" The group of kids yelled.I stod from were I lay on the ground landing a punch to Billy's nose. "Oooo you gonna take that?" Dustin said.The teen scrunched up his nose.He slammed an uppper cut into my lower jaw.I could feel the blood from my now knocked out tooth dripping onto the concrete.I shoved him and it turned into a fight until a middle aged man came to the rescue.

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