Big, Happy Family

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Jolie looked into the pantry as she balanced Josie on her hip, Jon was sick with the virus in the bed and she was dutied to take care of him as well as Josie

Right now, she was looking for some soup crackers, she pulled out a box of Lucky Charms and put it on the counter and then she put Josie on the couch and handed a bowl of cereal and some apple juice, putting on Spongebob for her before sitting down

"You know that daddy is not feeling well right baby?" Jolie asked, running a hand over her daughter's hair

"Yes mommy,"

"So I expect you to be quiet so daddy can rest okay?" Jolie added and Josie nodded then-

"See daddy?" She asked and Jolie smiled

"Eat your breakfast and I'll wake daddy up and when he gets something in his stomach, you can see him, but you have to eat first, deal?" She asked and Josie nodded enthusiastically and immediately began eating

Jon was never a heavy eater in the morning, so she made some bacon and eggs with two sausages and two slices of toast and some black coffee and she took it to the bedroom along with some ibuprofen

Jon was on his stomach, his pillow at the foot of the bed and his face was buried in Josie's own pillow, his bangs were scattered over his forehead in the adorable little curls he got when his hair was dry and his lips were parted

"Baby?" Jolie called, hand on his back, he shivered at the feeling of her cool hand on his warmer skin and rolled over on his back to escape the discomfort

"Babe, c'mon and eat something for me," she pestered and Jon stretched

Jolie's lips parted, Jon stretched his entire body, his biceps bulging, all the muscles visible, his abs clenched and relaxed and Jolie could swear on her life that it was something utterly holy when he opened his baby blue eyes

"Morning babe," he smiled, even though his normally rough voice was made even rougher with his sore throat

"Good morning, take your medicine and eat something, Josie wants to come see you when she's done eating," she told him and his face brightened at the mention of their beautiful daughter, he quickly downed the ibuprofen with some gulps of coffee, she'd never know how he did that

They sat and chatted a little while, Jolie was massaging his thigh, it wasn't meant to be suggestive especially since Jon was sick but as Jolie opened her mouth for his tongue to slide in, it could be considered suggestive

She brought her hand up and squeezed his cheeks gently, making his mouth open wider

"Mommy!" Jolie pulled away from Jon and sighed at her daughter's voice on the other side of the door

"Yes sweetie?" She asked

"Finish charms, see daddy now?" She asked excitedly and Jon chuckled, god he loved that kid

Jolie got up and opened the door so their daughter could come in and she immediately smiled and ran in on her still chubby legs

"Daddy!" She called, opening her arms as wide as they could go as she climbed on the bed and threw her arms around her dad's neck and held on and he hugged her close to him

"Daddy sick?" She asked, her identical blue eyes wide and concerned as she looked into her dad's eyes

"Yes baby, daddy's sick," Jon replied and cooed when her eyes filled with tears

"But your hugs make daddy feel one hundred percent better," he quickly added and he succeeded when Josie's eyes lit up and she hugged around his neck tightly and squeezed

"Mommy's hugs always make me feel better to," Josie told him matter of factedly and Jon met her eyes and smiled

"They do, but personally I love mommy's kisses the most," Jon told her and winked at Jolie when she blushed

She set about fluffing the throw pillows and placing them back on the bed, before she was pulled down on the bed by a strong arm, she didn't have time to react because as soon as her body hit the mattress, Jon and Josie were on top of her, tickling her and kissing her all over her face as she laughed

It only ended when Jon dissolved into a littany of coughs and covered his mouth to make sure the germs didn't spread

"C'mon Josie, let daddy rest, you can watch TV until lunch then rememeber you're going to Uncle Joe's room to play with Joelle," Jolie told her and her face lit up and she ran out of the room and they heard the TV come on and they laughed before Jon took a hold on Jolie's hand and kissed it

"I can never thank you enough for taking care of me, of Josie, of our home and of our family," Jon said

"My dad used to tell me anything you love it's worth caring for," she replied and stroked a hand through his hair lovingly

Later on, Jon was feeling a bit better so now he and Josie were colouring on the kitchen table while Jolie made dinner for them

"Daddy, my bunny's blue! Your mouse can't be blue," Josie complained, pout on her face and Jon kissed her nose

"I'm sorry princess, how about I take your for ice cream tomorrow, will that make you feel better?" Jon asked and Josie brightened up and nodded happily then when Jolie looked at her two babies, they shushed each other and she smiled fondly at them before shaking her head

There was a knocking at the door of their now shared home in Las Vegas and Jon got up, patting Jolie's hip as he passed her, on his way to the door, he cleared his throat and opened the door, his heart dropping in his stomach and his eyes widening, no fucking way

"Mom?" Jon asked, feeling the shock and his the weight of his virus come barrelling down on his chest heavy

"Hello son," she replied, as prim and proper as she always was. She was an elite in Florida now, Jon was fine with that, meant that she left him alone since she was either in Florida or travelling the world

Jon's eyes widened further as he heard the footsteps coming closer

"Babe who's at the-" Jolie paused in shock as well at the sight of her future mother in law, who since she had met Jon, had never liked her, especially when she found out that Jolie was pregnant with her son's child, she was absolutely elated when Jon told her that he had broken up with Jolie

"Babe?" His mother asked, disgusted and Jolie swallowed, almost ashamed, Josie had her blue eyes locked on her grandmother

"Is this her? Your baby? The child you made with this shameless woman?" She asked, still looking disgusted at Jolie who was holding on tightly to her daughter, the sign of her strength

"Mom, don't." Jon said through gritted teeth and she sighed

"I need to stay here a few days Jonathan," she said, walking into the house

Jolie sighed, she'd have to endure the abuse, verbal abuse from the woman who was set to be her mother in law in a few months, the grandmother of her baby, the mother of the love of her life. Could she really put up with the constant shame and abuse? As she looked into Jon's hopeful eyes, she knew she'd have to. Jon always did want them to be a big, happy family

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