I Always Knew

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Jolie and Jon were working out together, Jon was lifting weights while Jolie was doing some exercises to strengthen her flexibility as a cooldown

She started with a handstand and then tucked and rolled into a handstand that turned into an inverted split and then she straightened

She started with a handstand and then tucked and rolled into a handstand that turned into an inverted split and then she straightened

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"That's some serious exorcism shit," Jon told her

"That was hot as hell though," he finished making her laugh

"You done with your workout babe?" She asked, drinking some protein shake from his bottle

She wasn't a WWE Superstar but after having Josie, she knew the importance of not only eating right but exercising so she could lose the baby fat she had accumulated

"Just about, I can't wait to see Josalynn," Jon told her and she smiled, she and Jon had been on the road and Josie had been staying some time with her grandparents

They began walking down the street towards where Jolie's parents lived, they were in Boston for a show, arrived this morning around 3am, went to the gym from 6, it was 9am now, so they thought to go see Josie

"Fuck." Jon said as his steps faltered and Jolie's eyebrows creased

"You okay babe?" She asked concerned

"I just realized I haven't seen John and Carol since we broke up that last time," he said, eyes wide and Jolie bit her lip, knowing her dad wasn't the biggest fan of Jon right now

"It'll be fine babe," she dismissed with a small smile

When they got there, they both got the shock of their lives when Jolie's mom came and hugged Jon tightly, he froze and glanced at Jolie before hugging her back

"It's good to have you here sweetie," she said with a smile and Jon replied the smile with one of his own

"Jonathan Good." They heard and Jolie froze as they turned to meet the hard eyes of Jolie's father

"Mr. Cena," Jon replied after he gulped

He walked over and Jon felt like melting under the scrutiny of his gaze, John Sr. had always liked him but he loved Jolie more than anything, he would kill anyone who hurt his ONLY daughter so Jon could only imagine how much hate he was harbouring towards him

"Good to see you." He said shortly, putting out his hand and Jon heard Jolie sigh in relief and he met the handshake with a firm grip

"You to sir." Jon replied with a smile, throwing in the dimples to sweeten the deal and John Sr. simply went back to his arm chair and sat down

"What changed?" Jolie asked her mom, staring at her father in amazement

"DADDY!" they heard and Jon didn't hesitate to get on a knee and open his arms for his little girl to jump into

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