Chapter 7 - { A Cold Home }

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Not even the strongest warrior can go on fighting,
when their spirit is totally broken.

Sagewing didn't know what to do with herself. She had risen so high, only to fall so far and not for the first time. Her wedding ceremony was to take place in the next two sunrises and until then she was confined to camp because they thought that if she were given the chance, she'd run away. She could not believe that after Darkriver's betrayal, Whisperstar would choose that schemers brother to potentially be the next heir. In what way would the carefully calm midnight feline weave her way around that mess?

Sagewing paced down the very bottom of the cave, her silver coat and pale green eyes catching in the pale sunlight as she walked in circles in the snow. Lashing her tail, she sauntered towards the small pool that was usually full of fresh water. However it has basically frozen over. Placing a paw over it, she pressed slightly, hearing it crackle beneath her paw but seeing no signs of breakage. Out of boredom she continued to press on the ice, listening to the groaning and creaking sound it made. The ice seemed so cold and so peaceful. Beneath it, she could see fish swimming and swirling in the water below the thin ice. Her reflection was smeared across the surface and for a split second, it almost looked as though she was trapped beneath the ice, forced to watch as the world around her continued on.

"Sagewing." A soft yet familiar voice rang in the felines ears. In spite of the quiet approach, it deeply disturbed Sagewing's thoughts, giving her a small fright and causing her to lean on the ice fully, completely breaking through the surface.

The silver feline reared back, spinning around to look to the feline who approached her. She was greeted by a familiar black feline. Shadowlake. Something about him made her belly churn. "Shadowlake." She responded in an even and curt tone.

"I hope I didn't frighten you." He mewed, padding forward.

Sagewing blinked, snorting slightly. "You simply disturbed my peace, that is all."

Shadowlake huffed, a smile curving the edge of his lips. "So painfully formal." He mewed as he moved closer to her.

"How would you expect me to be?" She replied in a tone just as abrasive as before.

Shadowlake shrugged. "Perhaps I expected a sweeter and warmer tone from my future mate." His tone was sickly sweet which made it all the more cutting for Sagewing to hear.

"If I recall, our partnership is only to further both of our statuses within The Legion. This is purely political, no romance involved." Sagewing replied in a very matter of fact tone, moving away from the dark tom.

The tom blinked, his ears pricking as his amber eyes widened slightly. "Ouch." He looked down for a moment before lifting his head. His cunning smile remained.

"If you're looking to be loved, I'm sure Crimsonlily can help you with that." The silver tabby she-cat looked away before turning her sharp green gaze back towards the jet black tom.

Shadowlake shrugged. "If I wanted her would I not have perused her? You're the one I want, Sagewing. This relationship is only political if we make it. Can we not even try to be happy with one another?" He mewed, something about his voice seemed genuine to Sagewing, something in his eyes sparkling.

Nevertheless, she was only distracted by it for a few fleeting moments. She knew that this match had been largely his idea in order to further his social climb and to get closer to Whisperstar. "And had I wanted you I would have perused you. The only reason I agreed to this is because it is my duty. I can be and do whatever you want me to, Shadowlake. I can be and do what anybody wants. But if I told you I was ever to love you in this arrangement, that would be a blatant lie and a liar I am not." Her voice was firm and cold, a brutal honesty bleeding through her words in spite of her honest tone.

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