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ff 6 weeks dec 13th

The first 6 weeks went by in a flash and I was loving being a mom. Today was my check-up after having Zayla. I walked into the kitchen to find zak holding zay and getting something to drink as he sang to her to get her to sleep. Hay hun zak says as he turns and sees me, hi my love. I smile she looks so small in your arms, that is cuz daddy is so strong zak says back. then ask so where you are off to, oh I have my postpartum dr. apt. Would you like me to take you or do you think you can manage? I look at Zak I think I want to do this one on my own then I can get out and do a bit of shopping that I need to get done. ok, zak smiles at me and gives me a kiss call me after, I will love. Then with that, I was off to the doctor's office.

After a day of shopping for gifts and things, I get home to find zak sitting on the couch putting on his shoes, hay Zab I'm back. He turns glairing at me, is everything ok I ask. He then stands up grabbing his keys and phone and walks out and I hear him speeding out the drive like a mad man. I try to call him but I just get his voice mail so I leave him a msg trying to not cry. I then send him a crying face emoji in a text but get no response. I go up to wrap the gifts I got and put them under the tree that zak put up while I was gone we were going to decorate it when I had gotten home but he stormed out. starting to go upstairs thinking id get a shower I hear zay start to cry to I go to her room picking her up and then change her so I can nurse her. I took her and a few things I needed into my and Zak's room and sit on the bed and then nurse zay. my phone rings and I think twice about answering it as it was a private number but I do anyway.

beka: hello

caller: Is this Mrs. Bagans

beka: may I ask who is calling?

caller: this is officer grant from the LV police department I need to speak with a Mrs. Zakery A Bagans

beka: Yes this is she how can I help

Something in my gut said this was not a good call at all

Grant: yes mam I need you to meet me at the station asap ill talk to you more when you get here

beka: ok ill be there as soon as I can

Thinking zak did something dum and got arrested I called his mom and asked her if I could drop zayla off with her while I sorted things out. she said that would be fine. I got zay a bag packed and put her in her seat and strapped her in, got her into the car. I dropped her off with nancey and did not tell her what I was going to do. I drove to the station and went in to find detective Grant. I was asked to wait while they called him and asked him to come up. As I sat waiting I looked through pics on my phone of zak and zayla since she was born and something in me told me something was not right at all. when officer Grant called my name I stood walking to him to shake his hand. I look to him may I ask what my husband did and how much it is going to cost to bail him out. Please come with me he asked, I was taken to a room where a female officer was waiting also. I was told to have a seat. I did and that is when my whole world shattered before me, Mam your husband has been in a horrible car accident. What? where, how? where is he now? is he? I just started blurting out so many questions? It seems that your husband what driving east on Charleston Blvd. and when going through the intersection at Las Vegas Blvd. a drunk driver ran a red lite colliding in the driver side of his Lamborghini. that is when I just could not hear anymore I got up walking out of the room sinking along a wall in the hall I took out my phone and called Aaron. When Aaron answered all I could say was help me. Aaron got me calmed enough that I could tell him where I was and then he called Billy, jay, and nick. they all came and picked me up and Aaron found out what hospital we needed to go to and as I mentally was blocking out what anyone was saying he found out what we were to find when we got to the hospital. nick drove and I flipped out that he was not driving fast enough and that I needed to be there now not a week ago. all 4 of the guys tried to calm me down but it was not helping all I wanted was to be by zak.

Falling for my best friend ((ZAK BAGANS fan fic))Where stories live. Discover now