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As i woke from my sleep grabing my cell hearing that all well known ringtone of my best guy friend in the world. I answer Hay bestie i hear zaks voice on the other end hay girly hows my best girl on her birthday? Just waking up i answer, Well your gift from me awaits you but you have to hope a flight to get it, oh realy now zakery yep see you in a few hours ill text you the info.  we end the call and i pack a small bag for a few days and i know i will always get things in vegas if i need them. i hear a text come in its zak sending the flight info i need. as i dress and grab all i need to i walk to leave as  i open the door to my boyfriend.  where are you going he snarls, vegas zak invited me for my birthday, no your not. he then grabed me by the neck and slamed me in to a wall, i could feel my world go black. the next thing i knew i was waking up in a hospital room, i called the nurse and asked for my phone. when she gave it to me i had so many missed texts and calls from zak oh my god i thought i missed the flight, the nurse was still in the room taking vitals and such when i tried to call zak. all of a sudden i could hear a phone ring it was the same ring tone that zak had for me when i called BVB- fallen angel. i looked up to see him staning in the door way, i insantly started to cry. he rushed over to me to hug me. the first word he spoke, Ill kill him. After a nights stay in the hospital i was let to go. zak took me to the police to talk to them so i could get a order so my now x would have to stay away from me. 

zak knew i had many heath issues and well as we sat down to lunch he looked at me Beka he spoke, mhm ya zak i want you to come home with me, my eyes about shot out of my head, for a visit right i asked. No he shook his head for good. he reached for my hand i miss my best friend, i have a extra room you can have and you can even work for me at the museam if you want. Really i smiled, yep he nodded. After lunch i called my landlord telling him what happened and that for me to be safe i needed to be out of the lease i was in. he had no issue with that at all and with that zak and i spent the next 2 days packing and cleaning everything. we loaded a moving truck as i knew he would rather drive than fly. after loading the truck and returning his rental car and i sold mine zak said i realy had no need for it as  i could use one of his till i got settled in. 

With that we set off For Vegas when we needed to we stopped and rested and also saw some really neat stuff along the way. after a long few days driving and finally getting to zaks house he called Arron, Billy, and jay to come help unload the truck so we could return it. 

After a long day we where spent we had no get up and go left in us. zak turned to me asking what sounded good to eat for dinner, I turned to say anything we don't have to cook and will find its way here. He chuckled at me calling a take out place that delivered and then hung up telling me that food would be about 45 min at most. I told zak I was going to go get a shower and changed in to pajamas, he nodded telling me to take my time. After what seemed like only about 10 min the water got cold so I got out and wrapped up in a big towel. I dressed and was brushing my hair when there was a nock on my bedroom door, come in I yell the door slowly opens and in walks zak hay foods hear. Ok I say ill be out in a min. Zak walks back to the kitchen and starts to set out the food and plates and stuff. I walk in omg that smells good I say. yep one of the best spots I know this end of town he chuckles. After dinner we watch Billy Madison.  I needed a good laugh with my best friend, I sat next to zak he kept on looking over at me, what's up I ask him as he quickly looks away. N---Nothing he says, ya mhm sure zak I know you better than that. he smiles no I'm just happy that you are safe and it's great to see you smile. after the movie I hug zak and walk to my room tucking in for the night.

Falling for my best friend ((ZAK BAGANS fan fic))Where stories live. Discover now