I remembered Calvin Callix’s bruise, what if he is the one who attempted to kill Zymophore Kriegspiel? Hope my hypothesis is not true

After our second class, it's our recess, Alpheus Jade went out to buy some foods

“Kadey, I want to talk to you”

“Lets talk at the restricted garden”

We walked till we reached the restricted garden or should I say a mini forest.

‘Restricted Area
Authorized person only’

This are written on the gate of the garden, the garden looks a little bit creepy

Seems like no one had entered this garden a long time ago

There are vines scattered on the old stile concrete floor

“What is this place?”

“Well it is really the real Liminton, Liminton is not really founded on 1973”


“Liminton is founded year 1870,It is really a witch craft school but a tragedy happened on year 1873,After hundred years it opened again as Liminton Integrated High School”

We sat on a concrete bench under a very big tree

“What is that tragedy?”

“I don't know”

“So I just want to ask you if you know anything about Calvin Callix’s bruise and Zymophore Kriegspiel’s wound?”

His expression become serious

“Calvin Callix didn't tell me anything but Zymophore told me that someone in black attempted to kill him, he don't saw the face but it's eyes reflected the moonlight but he is able to give him a solid punch, before the man left he said ‘Rogue is mine’”

I am so shocked, so is this the reason why  Calvin Callix had a bruise?

“Rogue? So it's Calvin who did that”

“That Is what I am also thinking”

We took different paths going back to our room, a Talon hangging out with a cripple is not a good scene for many well they believe that a cripple should not mess up with a Talon.

I went home with Kayisha and Flare Onyx

When I come inside my house I saw Nanay Meldy holding  a brown envelope

She hugged me tight and handed me the envelope

Excitement and happiness is what she is feeling

“This is it we already found her”

She excitedly open it and bring out the papers inside and read it

“Mathilda, was the name given to her, what a beautiful name”

Mathilda? I hope she was not the girl I killed before

A picture was attached with it, I looked at it carefully

Shit, Mathilda? my classmate that I have killed before and Nanay Meldy’s Mathilda is the same person

look anak my daughter is really pretty”

She continued reading the papers till she saw Mathilda’s death certificate

Her smiled quickly faded

“She already died, I haven't even told her sorry”

I hugged her tight, I really felt guilty


“Sorry? You don't need to say sorry,You are not a murderer”

I felt that my eyes were heavy, a lot of tears falling as  I am continuously say sorry to her

“Answer me anak you were not murder?”

“She’s my classmate but I…I  didn't mean to kill her”

“Sorry but I no longer can serve a murderer”

“No you won't leave, I will be the one who will leave”

I packed my things up she was in the kitchen still crying, I know she can't believe that the girl she treated like a daughter is the one who killed her very own daughter

I bring my two big baggages, containing all of my stuffs

Flare Onyx  helped me to put my baggages inside my car

“I will drive for you”

“No, you don't know where the Vilches Mansion is, but I need you to drive this car home”

She sat at the passenger seat

Before I started driving I texted Zymophore Kriegspiel

Are you on your mansion?
I need my chopper

Yup, where are you going?

I am going home

I blow my horns for their gate to open, I don't know if Zymophore Kriegspiel noticed my eyes.

I put my baggages inside my chopper

Flare Onyx drives home

Zymophore Kriegspiel went near me

“Are you gone for good?”

“No I’ll be back soon”

He hugged me tight


I wave a hand and started piloting my chopper

Annica Beatrice has Alpheus Jade

Midnight Flame has Zymophore Kriegspiel

Rogue Argonne has Calvin Callix

Hays who should I choose to be?

I murdered the only daughter of the only person who take good care of me

Someday somebody will accept me, but things might  change when they knew my true self ,the real me.


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