your kidding right?!

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Lol Ik I said in a couple hours but I hot distracted reading soooooooo
Enjoy this chapter luv u guys!!!!

Sirius's POV

"C'mon Remus, if this is going to work then we need to do it now. You said as soon as they touch it it will lock right?" I ask.

"For the hundredth time, yes!"
I smirk at him, and we walk into the great hall.
Carefully I place the handcuffs right next to James's fork.

"Morning." James says sitting down at his usual spot. He came in later then us because he wanted to ask out lily....again. Honestly I'm just glad Lily's in on the plan too.

"Eggs and toast." He says to his plate and food piles onto it. As he reaches for his fork Remus and I watch closely.
To see the cuffs wrap around His wrist tightly.

"OW WHAT THE HELL!" he shouts, the whole hall looking at him.

Everyone gets up and comes to see what happened to their favorite quidditch player.

"Accio Severus!" Remus whispers. Causing him to smack into James.

James tries to push him off but falls with him just now seeing that they are both stuck in the cuffs.

McGonagall swishes over escorting them to dumbledores office to try and fix it.

Me, Remus, and lily share a knowing look.

"Step one complete."



James POV

"How the hell did this even happen?!" I yell at the headmaster earning a dirty look and a 5 point deduction.

"Do either of you know who or why they did this?"

"No sir" Snape and I say together.

"Very well."
He tries everything.

And others.

But nothing is working.
"Boys I'm afraid you will have to wait this out until we can figure out how to fix it."

"B-but sir....quidditch, sleeping, meals, the bathroom?  We're chained together how does this even work?!" I ask irritation lacing my voice.

Snape having been quiet this whole time finally spoke up.
"And classes?"

I scoff at him. Of course he worries about classes.
"That's all been taken care of.
The house elfs have made you a new room in the school, quidditch I'm afraid is no more for you until this is fixed." Dumbledore says
I start to talk but he cuts me off.

"No. Its that simple Mr. Potter.  You now have the same classes and you schedule will be delivered to you soon. As for During meals...that's your guy's choice. As for the bathroom.....well.....I don't know. It seems like your going to be seeing a lot more of each other.

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