Lena's Dream

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Minor smut. Nothing too heated. (My tablet is alive for now. But it's almost 1am, how lovely)

Lena was sprawled out on the bedsheets subconsciously searching for the warmth of her lover. She couldn't find it, only her scent on the pillow and small warmth on the sheets where her presence used to be.

Lena thought she might be making breakfast or taking a shower, she was too asleep to really confirm whether she was actually hearing the shower running. So she instinctively clutched Kara's pillow close to her and deeply breathed in her lavender scent on the pillow. She tried to rest a little more before the day starts, as she knew that it wasn't midnight judging by the small sun rays coming in through the cracks on the blinds. Lena just clutched the pillow more, practically spooning it, and awaited for Kara to return.

About 30 minutes later Kara entered the room with a towel wrapped around her. She took in the peaceful scene in front of her. Her heart swelled when she saw Lena completely on her side of the bed, and using her pillow. She didn't want to interrupt Lena's sleep with an alarm, so she dried her hair quickly and turned off the alarm that was just a few minutes away from beeping. Instead, she joined Lena on the bed and pressed herself up behind Lena. She gave her shoulder and neck a few gentle kisses as she wrapped her arms around Lena's waist.

"It's time to wake up baby." She placed another kiss to Lena's shoulder, watching Lena's body move slightly.

"Come on baby, it's morning." Kara said not knowing that Lena's brain was doing terrible, or should I say dirty, things with her statements.

"Kara. I just need you to..." Lena's words where slurred as she wiggled to face Kara and buried her head in Kara's neck. Kara just smiled, oh how much she loved Lena.

"Its time to get up Lena." Kara said while rubbing circles on her back. Eventually Lena's emerald eyes opened to meet Kara's. But, it wasn't just love in Lena's eyes... Kara noticed an all to firmliar look of desire in her eyes.

"What's on your mind baby." Kara said still holding Lena in an embrace. All Lena could think about was her dream.

Fuck Kara... please just let me come. Kara. I just need you to..." her begging was cut short due to a small pinch on her nipple. She was so close every time, but Kara removed her fingers right as she was on the verge and waited before working her body up all over again. It was evil, and devious, but oh so delicious. As Lena could do nothing but take what was giving to her as her bonds held her in place.

"Be a good girl for me Lena. I will reward you then. Can you do that for me?" Kara asked as her fingers slowly pushed back into Lena's dripping heat.

"I need you to relax baby girl. Baby, wake up.. it's time to wake up..."

Of course, Lena wouldn't share her dream with Kara at the moment, but perhaps later.

"Just thinking how much I love you." Lena said before leaning up to place a kiss to Kara's lips. They both sighed into it and once they pulled apart Lena then noticed how disrobed they both were. As Kara was in a mere towel, while Lena was naked under the sheets.

Lena reached out to Kara's towel and slowly pulled it apart. She heard Kara's breath hitch as she ran her hands over her hips and abs. Lena then leaned back in to peck Kara's lips, not once, twice. She then took Kara's top lip and sucked it before releasing it with a pop. She pressed her forehead to Kara's and smiled, loving the reactions she could get out of Kara.

"I would love to continue this, but I'm afraid we will be late for work." Lena said as her hands retracted and she stood up to make her way to the bathroom. Leaving Kara blushing and speechless at the sudden turn of events.

Kara just turned to rest on her back and rubbed her hands over her face. Lena drives her crazy sometimes. Kara could feel her arousal about to drip on the bed and stood up quickly. She shook away her thoughts and got ready for work. Just when she got her mind off of all the dirty things she could do to Lena, a echoed voice came from the bathroom.

"Kara, I can't reach the middle of my back, can you wash it for me, baby?" Kara knew it was a trap, but she didn't hesitate, blaming herself for her soon to be wet supersuit. She took off her normal clothing and left the sturdy suit on as she quickly scurried to the bathroom. She was met with humid and steamy air as she opened to the door and nearly tripped on her own feet.

Kara just stood there, staring. Lena got a little bit self conscious, and asked if Kara was okay.

"You're beautiful Lena." Kara said before grabbing the soapy loafer and rubbing gentle circles on Lena's back. She closed the shower door behind her, she no longer cared that her hair would be soaked again, and her cape would weigh about 50 pounds once it absorbs the water falling onto them. She only cared about relaxing Lena. Kara then rinsed the loafer and placed it back in its appropriate location before rubbing her hands over Lena's shoulders.

Kara gently massaged Lena's shoulders and moved her hands to Lena's neck, then back. Once she thought the water had washed all the soap off the two, she kissed Lena's neck before stepping out.

"My boss doesn't like when I'm late." Kara said playfully, knowing very well that Lena was left the exact same way that Lena left her on the bed earlier. Flushed, aroused, and incredibly distracted...

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