Wake me up if that's the reason

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Hey guys,  my tablet is dying. Like Actually dying. It won't charge and crap so it might be a bit before I can update. Cross your fingers for my tablet, I write everything on it... also, there is some SMUT in this chapter.

It was a quiet peaceful night, it was around 2:17AM. Kara and Lena were wrapped up under the covers. Lena’s head rested on Kara's chest as their heavy breathing filled their ears. Kara was rubbing circles on Lena’s back as Lena held her arms around Kara. They were both exhausted from previous activities. Even the Girl of Steel can only have so many orgasms. Kara leaned away to turn off the lights and then got back in her spot under the covers.

She planted a loving kiss on Lena’s lips before Kara scooted Lena into her. Lena’s head rested in Kara's neck as they tangled their limbs in a comforting and way.

Lena and Kara were almost sound asleep when they both got startled awake from the one and only, Alex Danvers.

“What the FUCK am I looking at?” She said shielding her eyes and running into the door, almost tripping and falling.

“A-Alex, it’s not what it looks like.” Kara said her face bright red, matching Lena’s.

“So I’m not seeing my sister naked it bed with Lena and looked like she just got fucked.” Alex said sarcastically.

“Well, yes but, this isn’t a one night stand thing like I used to do before I was Supergirl.” Kara said to her sister.

“I do not need to know the contents of your sex life Kara.” Alex stated causing Lena to chuckle before returning back to her spot behind Kara. Almost like she was scared. However, she was embarrassed to be caught in such a state, so she hid herself in the covers while wrapping her arms tighter around Kara's frame. Kara found it so cute and sweet, she smiled down at Lena who squeezed Kara's sides to try and let Kara know that Alex was still there.

“Yes uhm, Alex, this is Lena. My girlfriend.” Kara said with a loving smile in her face. Alex just smiled at the two, but soon her annoyed expression returned.

“Good, I’m happy for you, I know you two will treat eachother well. But seriously Kara, you broke the fucking table and the couch looks like you were going to rip all the stuffing out.” She said with hands on her hips. Lena spoke up.

“It’s fine, we’ve got it covered, I would love it if Kara and I were able to use a couch.” Lena said not realizing what she just implied until after she stated it.

“Okay well I think I’m going to have about 7 beers. Goodnight Kara, Lena.” Alex said before closing the door and heading to the kitchen. Lena pulled at Kara as to join her back in the previous location.
Kara just spun around and pinned Lena to the bed. Lust in her eyes.

“You just left me there to deal with her by myself?” Kara said before pressing her leg against Lena’s center. Lena tilted her head back as a silent moan escaped her lips.

“How should I punish you?” Kara asked rocking her leg harder. Suddenly, all friction was gone and Lena saw Kara's head slowly move down her body. Kara blew cold air onto her clit making her hips jerk away as a gasp escaped her lips. Kara just held Lena’s hips in place before starting to lick and suck Lena’s clit, loving the effect it had on Lena.
They really weren’t going to get any sleep…


Lena remembers the last time she found herself awing at Kara's beautiful features as the sunlight shone on her, as if she was a goddess. Last time they almost had shower sex. Lena started to get excited over the thought, and slowly brought her hand to her center. She didn’t know she was so aroused. Lena didn’t want to wake Kara up just because she was a little horny. So she opt to herself to masturbate. In bed, next to Kara. God Lena doesn’t know how dirty she is sometimes.

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