I laid on my bed and thought about what my parents told me. It was probably all just some hoax. Gage didn't want me, ge just wanted to please my parents. That's why his actions changed out of nowhere. I thought of all the times I let him kiss me, wondering if that and everything he said was a lie.

        I felt the tears sting my eyes as I tried to suppress my sobs, but they were stronger than me. I cried and sobbed and when the door slowly swung open and shut again, and a familiar scent filled my nose, I didn't move. He sighed and I felt the bed dip under his weight. He pulled me up to cradle me on his lap and I cried into his broad, muscled chest while he rocked me and stroked my hair.

        "What's wrong baby," Logan whispered into my hair. I didn't say anything as I buried my head deeper into his chest. He rubbed soothing circles at the small of my back, consoling me. I calmed down a bit with his caresses and his rhythmic breathing.

        He placed a featherlight kiss on my forehead when I stopped crying and it made me feel weak and vulnerable. We sat there like that for awhile in a comfortable silence, despite the tension that had been building between us this past week.

        After a while, he broke the silence. "Why don't you get dressed and we'll go somewhere to take your mind off of it?" I nodded and slowly slid off his lap to stand. I grabbed some clothes from my closet and wardrobe and walked into the bathroom.

       I took a quick shower and threw on the black skirt that was just above knee length and the off the shoulder red blouse. I brushed out my long hair and pulled it into a messy bun on top of my head. 

       I stepped out and Logan was in the room, but he had different clothes on. Instead of the sweatshirt and pants, he now had on a fitted tee shirt that stretched across his torso, showing off his muscled chest along with black jeans. His shaggy hair was wet and pushed out of his face, like he ran his hand through it. 

       He gave me a soft smile which I tried to return, but I think it came out more as a grimace. He led me downstairs and we got in the same car that we took last week. We tried to be quiet since everyone else was probably asleep. I didn't ask where were going, because I didn't really care. I just wanted to get my mind off of everything that had happened.

        We pulled in at a popular bar in town and I looked at Logan with raised eyebrows. "I've never been to a bar before," I told him. He smiled wolfishly and said "We'll then you'll enjoy it more. Come on." I sighed and got out after him.

       We walked in together after the bouncer checked our ID and saw that it was a dimly lit room, with music blaring from the speakers and people dancing in the middle of the floor. I followed Logan to the bar and sat on the stool beside him.

       Logan started asking for something from the bartender, but I wasn't paying attention. I was looking around at all the people dancing and grinding on each other. Logan's voice pulled me from my thoughts and I looked over at him.

        "Want anything," he asked. I shook my head. I've never drank alcohol before and I wanted to hold off on it for as long as possible. "I don't drink," I murmured quietly. Even in the loud room full of people, I knew he heard me.

        "I'm going to the bathroom real quick. Stay here," he said quietly. I nodded and he walked away. I scanned the crowd again. Something didn't feel right, but I couldn't figure out what it was exactly. My senses didn't work that well with all the mingled scents and the music blaring through the speakers. 

        Finally, I caught sight of him. He was with a girl that I didn't recognize and he had his tongue down her throat. I wanted to cry and punch him at the same time, but before I felt the burning of tears in my eyes, my feelings of anger and betrayal overwhelmed me and I found myself marching towards him.

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